About the Author

Tiana Laurence is a Blockchain pioneer, investor, and startup founder. She is a founder of Factom, Inc., a software company that builds innovative technology within the blockchain space. She loves writing about emerging technologies and helping the average person understand them. Her passion is growing great companies, and she loves helping young aspiring entrepreneurs learn about business and technology. Tiana has a BA in business and leadership from Portland State University.


This one is for my sisters. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you gave me as I was writing this book.

Author’s Acknowledgments

This book is the product of many people’s ideas and work. It would not have been possible without the open and supportive blockchain and cryptocurrency world. I’d like to thank specifically Paul Snow, Peter Kirby, Brian Deery, and David Johnston for the countless hours spent teaching me about blockchain and cryptography. I’d also like to thank Abhi Dobhal, Lawrence Rufrano, Ryan Fugger, Charley Cooper, Alyse Killeen, Jeremy Kandah, Clemens Wan, Greg Wallace, Brian Behlendorf, Amir Chetrit, Casey Lawlor, and Scott Robinson for the direction and guidance in the evolving blockchain space and for taking time out of their busy lives to review and sanity-check my work.

This book also took a lot of editing. I’m not kidding — it really took a lot of editing. My project editor, Elizabeth Kuball, did a great job keeping me on task and on schedule, and Steve Hayes, my executive editor, made the whole book possible. I’d also like to thank Scott Robinson again for his thorough technical review and excellent suggestions and all the other behind-the-scenes people, who did thankless jobs to bring this book about. I’m forever in their debit.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Steve Hayes

Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Technical Editor: Scott Robinson

Editorial Assistant: Matthew Lowe

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Production Editor: Magesh Elangovan

Cover Image: © ismagilov/iStock/Getty Images Plus

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