8.7 Exercises on Chapter 8

1. Show that the prior
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suggested in connection with the example on risk of tumour in a group of rats is equivalent to a density uniform in  .
2. Observations x1, x2, … , xn are independently distributed given parameters  ,  , … ,  according to the Poisson distribution  . The prior distribution for  is constructed hierarchically. First, the  s are assumed to be independently identically distributed given a hyperparameter  according to the exponential distribution  for  and then  is given the improper uniform prior  for  . Provided that  , prove that the posterior distribution of  has the beta form
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Thereby show that the posterior means of the  are shrunk by a factor  relative to the usual classical procedure which estimates each of the  by xi.
What happens if  ?
3. Carry out the Bayesian analysis for known overall mean developed in Section 8.2 mentioned earlier (a) with the loss function replaced by a weighted mean
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and (b) with it replaced by
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4. Compare the effect of the Efron–Morris estimator on the baseball data in Section 8.3 with the effect of a James–Stein estimator which shrinks the values of  towards  or equivalently shrinks the values of Xi towards  .
5. The Helmert transformation is defined by the matrix
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so that the element aij in row i, column j is
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It is also useful to write  for the (column) vector which consists of the jth column of the matrix  . Show that if the variates Xi are independently  , then the variates  are independently normally distributed with unit variance and such that  for j> 1 and
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By taking  for i> j, aij=0 for i< j and ajj such that  , extend this result to the general case and show that  . Deduce that the distribution of a non-central chi-squared variate depends only of r and  .
6. Show that  where
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(Lehmann 1983, Section 4.6, Theorem 6.2).
7. Writing
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for the least-squares and ridge regression estimators for regression coefficients  , show that
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and that the bias of  is
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while its variance–covariance matrix is
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Deduce expressions for the sum  of the squares of the biases and for the sum  of the variances of the regression coefficients, and hence show that the mean square error is
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Assuming that  is continuous and monotonic decreasing with  and that  is continuous and monotonic increasing with  , deduce that there always exists a k such that MSEk< MSE0 (Theobald, 1974).
8. Show that the matrix  in Section 8.6 satisfies  and that if  is square and non-singular then  vanishes.
9. Consider the following particular case of the two way layout. Suppose that eight plots are harvested on four of which one variety has been sown, while a different variety has been sown on the other four. Of the four plots with each variety, two different fertilizers have been used on two each. The yield will be normally distributed with a mean θ dependent on the fertiliser and the variety and with variance  . It is supposed a priori that the mean for plots yields sown with the two different varieties are independently normally distributed with mean α and variance  , while the effect of the two different fertilizers will add an amount which is independently normally distributed with mean β and variance  . This fits into the situation described in Section 8.6 with  being  times an  identity matrix and
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Find the matrix  needed to find the posterior of θ.
10. Generalize the theory developed in Section 8.6 to deal with the case where  and  and knowledge of  is vague to deal with the case where  (Lindley and Smith, 1972).
11. Find the elements of the variance–covariance matrix  for the one way model in the case where ni=n for all i.
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