8.5 Bayesian analysis for an unknown overall mean

In Section 8.2, we derived the posterior for  supposing that a priori

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where μ was known. We shall now go on to an approach introduced by Lindley (1969) and developed in his contribution to Godambe and Sprott (1971) and in Lindley and Smith (1972) for the case where μ is unknown.

We suppose that

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are independent given the  and  . This is the situation which arises in one way analysis of variance (analysis of variance between and within groups). In either of the practical circumstances described above, the means  will be thought to be alike. More specifically, the joint distribution of these means must have the property referred to by de Finetti (1937 or 1974–1975, Section 11.4) as exchangeability; that is, the joint distribution remains invariant under any permutation of the suffices. A famous result in de Finetti (1937) [for a good outline treatment see Bernardo and Smith (1994, Sections 4.2 and 4.3)] says that exchangeability implies that the  have the probability structure of a random sample from a distribution. It might seem sensible to add the additional assumption that this distribution is normal (as we often do in statistics). It would then be appropriate to assume that

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the  being assumed independent for given μ and  .

To complete the specification of the prior distribution, it is necessary to discuss μ,  and  . For the moment, we shall suppose that the two variances are known and that the prior knowledge of μ is weak, so that, over the range for which the likelihood is appreciable, the prior density of μ is constant (cf. Section 2.5).

We thus have

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so that

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We shall show that we can write the posterior distribution in the form

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where the ti are defined by

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in which

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We thus see that the posterior means of the  take the form of a weighted average of the mean  (the least-squares estimate) and an overall mean  , depending in a natural way on the sample sizes and the ratio of the two variance components. The effect of this weighted average is to shift all the estimates for the sample mean towards the overall mean. It is clear that these estimates are of the same type as the Efron–Morris (or Stein) estimators derived earlier.

The proof of this result is given in Section 8.6, but can be omitted by readers willing to take the result for granted. It must be admitted that the result is mainly of theoretical interest because it is difficult to think of real-life cases where both  and  are known.

In the case where  and  are unknown and conjugate (inverse chi-squared) priors are taken for them, somewhat similar results are possible with  and  in the expression for wj replaced by suitable estimators; the details can be found in Lindley’s contribution to Godambe and Sprott (1971). Unfortunately, while it is possible to use a reference prior  for  , there are severe difficulties about using a similar prior for  . In the words of Lindley, op. cit.,

The difficulty can be viewed mathematically by remarking that if a prior proportional to  … which is improper … – is used, then the posterior remains improper whatever size of sample is taken. Heuristically it can be seen that the between-sample variance provides information directly about  , – that is, confounded with  – and not about  itself, so that the extreme form of the prior cannot be overcome by sampling.

We shall discuss numerical methods for use in connection with the hierarchical normal model in Sections 9.2 and 9.4.

8.5.1 Derivation of the posterior


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where  , we see that

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Noting that (because  )

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we can integrate over μ to get

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Minus twice the coefficient of  in the above exponential is

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while the coefficient of of  is

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from which it follows that if we set

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we can write the posterior distribution in the form

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where the ti are yet to be determined.

By equating coefficients of  we see that

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it follows that

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so that

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and so

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We have thus proved that the posterior means of the  do indeed take the form of a weighted average of the mean  (the least-squares estimate) and an overall mean  , depending in a natural way on the sample sizes and the ratio of the two variance components and so shift all the estimates for the sample mean towards the overall mean.

A further discussion of related matters can be found in Leonard and Hsu (2001, Section 6.3).

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