8.2 The hierarchical normal model

8.2.1 The model

Suppose that

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is a vector of fixed, unknown parameters and that

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is a vector of independent observations such that

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Of course, the Xi could each be means of a number of observations.

For the moment, we shall suppose that  is known, so, after a suitable normalization, we can suppose that  .

It is useful to establish some notation for use later on, We shall consider a fixed origin

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and we will write

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for a vector of r elements all equal to unity.

We suppose that on the basis of our knowledge of the Xi we form estimates  of the  and write

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In general, our estimates will not be exactly right and we will adopt a decision theoretic approach as described in Section 7.5 on ‘Bayesian decision theory’. In particular, we shall suppose that by estimating the parameters we suffer a loss

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We recall that the risk function is defined as

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For our problem the ‘obvious’ estimator (ignoring the hierarchical structure which will be introduced later) is

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and indeed since the log-likelihood is

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it is the maximum likelihood estimator. It is clearly unbiased.

It is easy to find the risk of this obvious estimator – it is

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8.2.2 The Bayesian analysis for known overall mean

To express this situation in terms of a hierarchical model, we need to suppose that the parameters  come from some population, and the simplest possibility is to suppose that

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in which case it is convenient to take  . With the additional structure assumed for the means, the problem has the structure of a situation variously described as a random effects model, Model II or a components of variance model (cf. Eisenhart et al., 1947, or Scheffé, 1959, Section 7.2, n.7). We are, however, primarily interested in the means  and not in the variance components  and  , at least for the moment.

It follows that the posterior distribution of  given  is

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where (writing  )

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(cf. Section 2.2 on ‘Normal Prior and Likelihood’).

To minimize the expectation  of the loss  over the posterior distribution of  , it is clearly necessary to use the Bayes estimator

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the posterior mean of  given  (see the subsection of Section 7.5 on ‘Point estimators resulting from quadratic loss’). Further, if we do this, then the value of this posterior expected loss is

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It follows that the Bayes risk

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(the expectation being taken over values of  ) is

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We note that if instead we use the maximum likelihood estimator  , then the posterior expected loss is increased by an amount

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which is always positive, so that

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Further, since the unconditional distribution of Xi is evidently  , so that  , its expectation over repeated sampling (the Bayes risk) is

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This is, in fact, obvious since we can also write

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where the expectation is over  , and since for the maximum likelihood estimator  =1 for all  , we have

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We can thus see that use of the Bayes estimator  always diminishes the posterior loss, and that the amount ‘saved’ by its use averages out at λ over repeated sampling.

8.2.3 The empirical Bayes approach

Typically, however, you will not know  (or equivalently λ). In such a situation, you can attempt to estimate it from the data. Since the Xi have an unconditional distribution which is  , it is clear that S1 is a sufficient statistic for  , or equivalently for λ, which is such that  or

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so that if we define

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then using the probability density of a chi-squared distribution (as given in Appendix A)

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so that  is an unbiased estimator of λ.

Now consider the effect of using the empirical Bayes estimator

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which results from replacing λ by  in the expression for  . If we use this, then the value of the posterior expected loss exceeds that incurred by the Bayes rule  by an amount

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which is always positive, so that

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Further, if we write  (so that  and  ), then we see that the expectation of  over repeated sampling is

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It follows that the Bayes risk resulting from the use of the empirical Bayes estimator is

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as opposed to  for the Bayes estimator or 1 for the maximum likelihood estimator.

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