Connecting to the Administration Console

The WebLogic Administration Console is a J2EE application that uses JSP. The user interface is therefore accessed through a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. To access the Console, connect to the system that is hosting the WebLogic administration server. The URL is specified using either standard HTTP or secure HTTPS, depending on whether the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) has been enabled on the WebLogic Server. The hostname portion of the URL can be specified using one of the following specifications:

  • Hostname of system running the WebLogic administration server.

  • IP address of the system running the WebLogic administration server.

  • localhost if the Web browser is being run on the same system as the WebLogic administration server.

  • is the well-known IP address for localhost.

The default port for standard HTTP is 7001. The default port for secure HTTPS is 7002. Following the port number is the console context path. The default context path for the Administration Console is "console". Some sample URL addresses to access the WebLogic Console are

  • http://localhost:7001/console

  • https://localhost:7002/console

  • http://wls:7001/console

Figure 35.1 shows the first screen presented by the WebLogic Console: the login screen. The Username and Password fields are the administrative username and password for the WebLogic Server domain that is being accessed.

Figure 35.1. The first page displayed by the Administration Console is the login screen.

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