Chapter 34. CORBA and Tuxedo Integration

by Saranathan Govindarajan


WebLogic Server provides a robust enterprise connector that extends the Tuxedo domain services and Tuxedo CORBA objects to the Java world. Tuxedo has been providing a highly scalable and reliable environment in which to develop business services for a long time. Many mission-critical applications currently running in the Tuxedo environment have been developed over the last few decades. WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) helps in seamlessly integrating these Tuxedo applications in the WebLogic Server environment. The consistent API interface eases the development, deployment, and management of applications that leverage the Tuxedo transaction services and CORBA objects in real-time without having to learn the underlying CORBA API implementation and Tuxedo ATMI.

The main focus of this chapter is a look at WTC and how it can be used to integrate Tuxedo-based services and CORBA objects with the WebLogic Server environment. We will look in great detail at how to implement a simple WTC client for a Tuxedo application that's packaged with the Tuxedo product. We'll also see how we can integrate Tuxedo queues with JMS. We also cover WebLogic RMI-IIOP, which allows heterogeneous clients talk to WebLogic Server using the standards-based IIOP protocol. The most important use of this technology is the capability to integrate disparate clients, namely CORBA/IDL clients, to different WebLogic Server–based components such as EJBs. This chapter does not talk about implementing a Tuxedo service or a CORBA object. For more information about how to program in the Tuxedo application domain, refer to

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