
Adams, Gabrielle S., 110

Airbnb, 109

anger, 79–80, 130–131, 133

apologies. See corporate apologies

authentic leadership

characteristics of, 4, 8, 31, 32

development of, 7–8, 21–22, 36

life experiences in, 6, 8–14, 65–67

self-awareness and, 8, 14–17, 134–135

values and principles in, 18–20, 25

Authentic Leadership (George), 4–5


across cultures, 46, 63–64

definition, 44–45, 121–122

responses to lack of, 77–78, 79–80

struggle with, 46–47

training, by companies, 55–56

versus consistency, 59, 120–121

authenticity paradox, 41–68

authority, versus approachability, 49–50

Barra, Mary, 109

Beers, Charlotte, 66

Berlin, Johann, 76–77

Boehner, John, 132

Brown, Brené, 75, 76

Cameron, Kim, 81

Carmichael, Sarah Green, 107–114, 117–135

Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), 98, 99, 102, 104

chameleons, in developing leadership style, 47–48, 61

Chance, Don, 113

Chesky, Brian, 109

Cicon, James, 113

Clinton, Bill, 123

Clinton, Hillary, 129

concern, expressing shared, 120, 121–123, 125–126

corporate apologies, 109–114

criticism. See negative feedback

crying, 126–130, 132

Dillon, David, 7

Dimberg, Ulf, 78

Donahoe, John, 31–32

Dunn, Debra, 24, 28

Dweck, Carol, 62

Dyke, Greg, 92

emotional expression

excessive, 44, 132–133

in leadership, 119–135

interpretation of, 123–124, 127–128

of political candidates, 123, 126–130, 131, 132

self-awareness of, 134–135

emotions. See emotional expression

empathy, 124–125. See also tough empathy

empowering others, 33–36

executive presence (EP)

cost to authenticity, 99, 101, 102

feedback about, 101–103

people of color and, 98–103

perceived standards of, 99–100

pillars of, 98

extrinsic motivations, 23–26

Facial Action Coding System (FACS), 110


negative, 16–17, 53–54, 57–58

for people of color, 101–103

Ferris, Stephen P., 113

FitzGerald, Niall, 92

forgiveness, 80–81

Fudge, Ann, 7

GE, 4

gendered stereotypes, 129–130, 131–133

getting buy-in, 50–53

George, Bill, 1–36, 4, 29–30

GM, 109

Goffee, Rob, 87–93

Gruenfeld, Deborah, 49

Haldeman, H.R., 19

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 97–104

high self-monitors, 47–48, 61

Hubbl, 73

human connection, 76–77, 120

Huntsman, Jon, 19–20, 23

Hymowitz, Carol, 48

Ibarra, Herminia, 39–68

I’d Rather Be in Charge (Beers), 66

Ignatius, Adi, 117–135

imitation, 3–4, 59–61

inauthentic behaviors, reactions to, 79–80

intrinsic motivations, 23–26

introspection, 58

Jones, Gareth, 87–93

Komisar, Randy, 28


authentic (see authentic leadership)

developing personal style of, 43–44, 47–48, 59–62, 65–67

emotions and (see emotional expression)

gendered stereotypes and, 129–130, 131–133

racial stereotypes and, 130–131

servant, 80

leadership styles

developing, 43–44, 47–48, 59–62, 65–67

imitation of, 3–4, 59–61

leadership traits. See authentic leadership

leadership transitions, 43–44, 47–50

learning goals, 62, 65

Levy, Alain, 89–90

low self-monitors, 48

Mackey, John, 109

Mancuso, Paulanne, 92

Mayer, Diana, 1–36

McAdams, Dan, 67

McLean, Andrew, 1–36

Meyer, Erin, 63

Moore, Ann, 25–26

Mukunda, Gautam, 119–135

Mulcahy, Anne, 34–35

negative feedback, 16–17, 53–55, 58

Niedenthal, Paula, 78, 79

Novartis, 13

Obama, Barack, 126–131

outsight, 58–59

Patchirajan, Archana, 73–75, 76, 81

Petriglieri, Gianpiero, 119–135

Piper, Tad, 29

Pottruck, David, 15–17

power, 120, 125–126

professionals of color

executive presence and, 98–99, 102

feedback and, 101–102

sacrificing identity, 99, 101, 102

racial stereotypes, 130–131

resonance, 78

Robb, Walter, 109

Satterwaite, Chris, 91

self-awareness, 8, 14–17, 134–135

self-interest, 122–123, 125–126

Seppala, Emma, 71–83

servant leadership, 80

Sharer, Kevin, 4

Sims, Peter, 1–36

Snyder, Mark, 47, 48

social connections, 75–77

stress, 31–32

support team

building, 27–29

forms of, 29–30

importance of, 26–27

ten Brinke, Leanne, 110

Thain, John, 25

Thatcher, Margaret, 57–58

tough empathy

benefits of, 92–93

caring in, 93

described, 90–92

true-to-selfers, 48–50, 61

Unilever, 91–92

Vasella, Daniel, 10–14


benefits of, 82–83

fear of, 81–82

response to, 49–50, 73–74, 80, 82–83

Welch, Jack, 4

Whole Foods, 109

Woodwark, Alice, 25

work-life integration, 30–33

Xerox, 34–35

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