Chapter 1: Strategy—Creating and Destroying Customer Value

Assessing Your Strategy’s Potential for Success

Debunking Some Key Myths

Customer Focus—One Part Plan, One Part Roadmap

Chapter 2: Doing the Right Things for the Wrong Reasons

Addressing the Priority Predicament

Differentiating Customer Behavior, Satisfaction, and Loyalty

Don’t Measure What You Can—Measure What Matters

Chapter 3: Not All Customers Are Good Customers

Customer Segmentation Is Vital

Loyalty Generates Mutual Profitability

Mutual Profitability Starts the Customer Focus Journey

Chapter 4: When Customers Speak—Who Hears Them?

Level I—Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Advantages and Limitations of VOC

Chapter 5: Input Is Vital—But Involvement Multiplies the Value

Differentiation—One Touch Point at a Time

Teaming Turns Feedback into Dialogue

Chapter 6: It Takes Two to Be Engaged

Customer Focus Cannot Be a Department or Title

Expect Everyone to Play a Role

Create Roles for Everyone to Play

Maintaining Awareness of Expectations and Opportunities

Sample Customer Experience Readiness Survey

Chapter 7: Customer Focus Is a Process—Not an Event

Value Chain and Business Modeling

Mapping Customer Focus Pivot Points

Mapping Customer Experience Touch Points

Value Chain Labs® —the Ultimate Dialogue

Chapter 8: Culture—The Soft Stuff Is the Hard Stuff

Key Element 1: Develop a Value Creation Mindset

Key Element 2: Ask, Act, and Align Everything You Do

Chapter 9: Managing Change, Performance, and Talent

Key Element 3: Apply An Effective Internal Management System

Key Change Management Practices

Key Performance Management Practices

Key Talent Management Practices

Chapter 10: Leveraging Your Culture and Value Chain

Leverage Existing Loyalty

Increase Level II Teaming

Elevate Teaming to Partnering

Extend Level III Efforts Across the Value Chain

To Summarize . . .


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