Note: page numbers followed by f refer to figures.

Abuja, Nigeria, 95, 99

acquisitions strategy, 31, 89, 103

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 41, 43, 64, 94

Adesina, Akinwumi, 58, 152, 154

Affordable Housing Hub, 116


business opportunities in. See business opportunities

cities in. See cities; urbanization; and specific cities

economic growth of, 7, 1214

land area comparisons for, 83, 84f

long-term growth prospects for, 7

population growth in, 4, 8, 9, 1214, 4041, 85

strategies for managing challenges in, 144145, 145f

working-age population in, 40

Africapitalism, 186187

Africa50 (infrastructure investment platform), 6364

African-based companies. See also specific companies

annual spending by, 44

by country or region, 20, 21f

lag in number of large companies, 2022

revenue and growth expectations of, 12, 13f

by revenue size, 1920, 19f

African Battery Metals, 73

African Continental Free Trade Area, 15, 16

African Development Bank (AfDB), 16, 63, 64, 152, 154

African Leadership University (ALU), 129130, 160, 181

African Stability Index, 141143, 142f

Africa Tech Challenge, 166

African Visa Openness Index, 16

Afrobarometer, 153

agency banking, 112114, 118119


commercialization of small-scale farming in, 70, 75

development opportunities in, 6770

digital technology adoption in, 75, 76

funding access in, 70

income from shift to higher-value crops in, 69

innovation opportunities in, 6869

investment opportunities in, 2324

Japanese investment in, 68

new crop development in, 6970

private-sector firms’ role in, 69

shift to urban economy from economy based on, 4143

smallholder farmers in Nigeria and, 6768

Akinkugbe, Kofo, 116117

Algeria, 11

aluminum-can manufacturing, 52

Ambode, Akinwunmi, 44

Angola, 11, 86, 88, 90, 99, 139, 143

Anheuser-Busch InBev, 4, 6

apparel manufacturing, 4950, 53, 56, 107, 156

Arab Spring, 11, 143

Arla Foods, 104

Asky Airlines, 1819

Aspen Pharmacare, 18

Atlas Mara (financial services group), 137, 158

Attijariwafa Bank, 91

automotive industry, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 107108

Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), 165166

AXA, 76

Babban Gona, 6768, 70

backward integration, 120, 144

banks and banking

agricultural lending by, 70

cellphone-based. See mobile payment services

cost reduction by, 121122

expansion strategy of, 91, 9293

performance of, 28

beverage industry, 23, 45, 50, 52, 54, 169170. See also Coca-Cola

Billon, Jean-Louis, 100

Black Rhino, 147

Blackstone, 147

Botswana, 47

Bowman, Mark, 45, 6, 139, 147, 151, 170

Brand, Alex, 163164


Coca-Cola’s diverse markets and tailoring of, 9596, 101103

Coca-Cola’s standards for, 101

consumer income and spending differences and, 6

SABMiller’s development of, 4, 56, 31

Brazil, 20, 70, 77, 135

breweries, 52, 151. See also SABMiller

BRIC countries, infrastructure in, 5860

brick-making process, 115116

Bridge International Academies, 6566

broadcasting companies, 122123, 170171

Bryant, John, 111

Burkina Faso, 41, 94

business costs, and electricity supply, 60

business environment (ease of doing business), 1415, 147, 185186

business models, 111132

adjacent industry sectors or new customer segments in, 132

business objectives and social purpose intertwined in, 185188

engaging customers by rethinking, 114, 118121

Equity Bank’s agency banking model and, 112114, 118119

four innovation practices for, 32f, 114

Indomie instant noodles marketing and, 119120

lean business practices and, 114, 121123

online education and, 129131

PZ Cussons’ distribution network and, 120

resilience in, 135136, 183. See also resilience

strategy for innovating, 31, 32f, 111132

technology adoption and, 79, 114, 123132

unmet needs and, 114117

business opportunities, 333

challenges to, 14

difficulties in spotting, 34

digital and mobile technologies as, 125

ease of doing business and, 1415

economic and political volatility and, 1112

GDP growth in, 911, 12

geographic and industry trends and, 30, 31

growth and profitability possibilities and, 7, 2733

income growth and, 89, 10f

lag in number of large companies and, 2022

market size and growth in, 7, 816

megatrends and, 38, 39f

profitability and strategy and, 2930

regional integration and, 1516

resources needed for, 30

retail outlet expansion and, 25

revenue and growth expectations and, 12, 13f

room for new companies and, 7, 1622

SABMiller example of, 47, 31

strategic guide for winning in, 2933

strategic moves and, 30, 3133, 32

unmet demand and, 7, 2227

urbanization and population growth and, 1214

cacao (cocoa) production, 6970, 99100

Cameroon, 94, 118, 134, 152

Cargill, 100

CGCOC Group, 9394

cement industry, 50, 115116, 134, 152

CEOs, women as, 172, 173f

Chandaria, Manu, 188

Cheruiyot, Gilbert, 164, 165

CHI (juice and dairy company), 103


Africa’s land area compared with, 83, 84f

consumer spending related to income in, 48

economic growth of, 14, 56

foreign direct investment from, 137138

Fortune 500 companies in, 20

income growth in, 8

infrastructure financing by, 123

internet-related services and growth in, 77

labor costs in, 55

mobile phones from, 116

online sales in, 25

working-age population in, 40, 158

chin chin packaged snacks, 115

Chinese-owned companies

African infrastructure construction by, 123

capital-intensive investments by, 138

competition between African companies and, 122, 150

expansion strategy of, 9394

import substitution by, 53

infrastructure construction and, 123

long-term view of, 137138

percentage of Africa’s industrial production handled by, 53

Choppies, 47

Christensen, Clayton, 60

cities. See also urbanization and specific cities

Coca-Cola’s marketing in, 95, 98

growth strategy focus on, 9899

with more than 5 million inhabitants, 41, 42f

population growth in, 41, 42f, 43

retail outlet expansion and, 25

shift from rural economy and, 4143

transportation in, 6465

urban sprawl challenges in, 65

cobalt mining, 72, 73

Coca-Cola, xiv, 52, 101103

acquisitions strategy of, 89, 103

Africans on leadership team of, 102

brand portfolio held by, 102103

brand standards maintained by, 101

business objectives and social purpose intertwined by, 185

cities as marketing focus of, 95, 98

distribution systems for, 105, 120121

Ebola epidemic response of, 101102

expansion strategy of, 89, 9596, 98, 101

pan-African strategy of, 8788, 8990

partnerships used by, 103, 105

tailoring offerings to diverse consumers by, 102

cocoa (cacao) production, 6970, 99100

Collier, Paul, 43, 65, 106

Commercial Bank of Africa, 28

Community Development Committees (CDCs), 7475

community programs

building trust using, 150

business objectives and social purpose intertwined in, 185

mining industry and, 7476

need for companies’ involvement in, 184185

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (DRC), 7374, 96, 101, 134, 142f

Consol Glass, 23

construction industry, 11, 20, 61, 9394, 123, 165

consumer goods companies, 45, 92, 104, 105, 120, 140


affordability as decisive factor for, 121

brand consciousness of, 101

business opportunities from unmet demand from, 7, 2227

Coca-Cola’s products tailored to range of, 9596, 101103

creating products and services for unmet needs of, 114117

Equity Bank’s agency banking model and needs of, 118119

growth in number of, 12

income and spending differences among, 6

Indomie instant noodles marketing to, 119120

longer-term view on, 48

loyalty of, 31, 101, 127

population growth and increase in, 40, 41

rethinking business models to engage, 114, 118121

top items sought by, 45


economic growth and changing patterns in, 96, 97

household income and, 4546

imports and, 50, 54

income and wealth disparities and, 47

increase in amounts spent in, 44

Continental Free Trade Area, 15, 16

Coolworld stores, Nigeria, 120

corruption, 152154

Côte d’Ivoire, 17, 69, 70, 104

cacao production in, 6970, 100

economic growth of, 96, 98

palm oil production in, 100, 104

rubber production in, 100

as stable grower, 143

toll bridges in, 63

Credit Suisse, 9, 63, 144

Cummings, Alex, 88, 8990, 95, 96, 101103, 105

customers. See consumers

dairy companies, 103, 104, 144

Dangote, Aliko, xiv, 152

businesses of, 2728, 133, 134135

food self-sufficiency and, 144

government’s relationship with, 152

long-term view of, 135136, 138

resilience in business models of, 134135

Dangote Academy, 167

Dangote Cement, 139, 152

Dangote Flour Mills, 2728

Dangote Group, xiv, 53

businesses of, 133134, 136

diversification by, 139140

supply chain integration by, 144

talent development by, 167

delivery companies, 105106

delivery systems in companies, 45, 47, 76, 120121, 147

Descalzi, Claudio, 71

Development Bank of Ethiopia, 23

Dewji, Mohammed, 149150

Diamond, Bob, 137

diamond mining, 7273

digital technology

Africa’s lag in penetration of, 77

agricultural use of, 75

banks’ cost reduction using, 121122

as biggest business opportunity, 125

economic growth and, 123125, 124f

economic impact of, 77, 7879

growth trend from rapid adoption of, 40, 7579

health care and, 129131

infrastructure expansion for, 7778

investment increases in, 12

mobile money and, 123, 125126, 128

online education and, 129130

productivity gains from using, 79

underfunding of, 76

distribution networks

Coca-Cola’s use of, 120121

Indomie instant noodles and, 119120

last mile delivery in, 105106, 120121

multinationals’ local partnerships for, 104, 105106

PZ Cussons’ innovations in, 120

diversification, 139144

complexity and, 142

examples of, 140

growth and risk profiles for, 139144, 142f

non-African countries added for, 138139

resilience and, 135, 144149

risks of, 139140, 144145


profitability and, 172174, 173f

as strategic priority, 172, 175

Djibouti, 50, 107

driver’s license processing, 117

Dufil Prima Foods, 112

ease of doing business, 1415, 147, 185186

East Africa

consumption patterns in, 96, 97

mobile money accounts in, 78, 78f, 125

East African Community, 15

Ebobissé, Alain, 64

Ebola epidemic (2014–2015), 101102, 184

Ecobank, 122


growth of, 78

Jumia as example of, 7576

small enterprises and, 2526

Econet Group, 184

economic development

flying geese paradigm on, 5556

mining and, 73

urban sprawl and planning for, 65

economic growth. See also growth trends

adjacent industry sectors or new customer segments and, 132

African Stability Index on, 141142, 142f

Africa’s opportunities for, 33

creating products and services for unmet needs as strategy for, 115

diversification strategy related to, 141144, 142f

efficiency and slowdown in, 122

internet services as catalyst for, 7677

large companies as drivers of, 22

mobile technologies key to, 123125, 124f

smaller and medium-sized companies and, 23

stable, slow, and vulnerable grower categories, 143

Economist, The (journal), 155

Egypt, 11, 12, 50, 85, 95, 143, 162

electricity supply

business development priority and, 58

companies’ support for, 62, 63, 64

generator-based power in, 60

local context for, 152

manufacturing hubs and, 57

solar kits for, 125128

variations among countries in, 60

electronic payments. See mobile payment services

Elegbe, Mitchell, 3638, 148

Elumelu, Tony, 27, 186

Elumelu Foundation, 27, 186

emerging markets

income increases with urbanization in, 41

large companies in, 20

rebalancing of global economy toward, 1214

Eni, 71

entrepreneurs, job creation by, 27

Equitel cellphone banking app, 113114, 122, 128

Equity Afia medical centers, 131

Equity Bank, xiv, 28, 131

agency banking model of, 112114, 118119, 128

digital channels used by, 121122

high efficiency and low cost of, 121, 122, 128

unmet consumer needs met by, 186


Coca-Cola’s expansion into, 95

Dangote Cement company in, 134

digital payments in, 35

economic growth of, 96, 98

electricity supply in, 60

glass-bottle manufacturing in, 23, 169170

greenfield industrial hub in, 107

Gro Intelligence in, 2324

labor-intensive manufacturing exports from, 55

mobile phone use in, 116

population of, 85

as stable grower, 143

textile hubs in, 4950, 53, 107

urban infrastructure in, 43, 64

Ethiopian Airlines, 18, 31

Exim Bank of China, 61


industrial development and, 50, 5456

Kenya horticultural products as, 69

labor-intensive products and, 55

liquefied natural gas and, 71

mining and, 74

Morocco’s revenue from, 54

Facebook, 78

fertilizer production, 68, 71, 74, 134

Fettah, Nadia, 8586, 90, 94, 161, 169, 170

financial services firms, 8586, 91, 92, 161

FirstRand Bank, 28

flying geese paradigm, 5556

food companies, 22, 2728, 45, 56, 69, 104, 111112, 115, 144, 146

food imports, 54, 67, 144

foreign direct investment (FDI), 9, 74, 137138

foreign-owned companies. See also Chinese-owned companies; multinationals

growth markets and, 98

long-term thinking by, 137

percentage of large companies as, 20

ways to increase revenue by, 5354

Fortune 500 global companies, 20

free trade areas, 1516

free-trade zones, 107

Gabon, 166

gas industry, 7071, 72, 99100

GE, xiv, 151152

business objectives and social purpose intertwined at, 185

career development program of, 169

health-care partnership of, 66

Nigeria’s infrastructure upgrades and, 6263, 152, 185

size of African investment by, 31

talent development by, 167

Gem Diamonds, 7273

gender diversity

profitability and, 172174, 173f

as strategic priority, 172, 175

Generation youth skills program, 156157, 158, 164165, 176

GetSmarter, 130


Africa Tech Challenge in, 166

Coca-Cola’s expansion into, 95

consumption patterns in, 99

Dangote Cement company in, 134

economic growth of, 12, 96, 98

palm oil production in, 100

rubber production in, 100

solar energy kits in, 126, 140

Gilchery Skip-Trace, 164

glass-bottle manufacturing, 23, 169170

Goldman Sachs, 26, 76

Google, 78, 108

government policies, 148150. See also regulation

companies’ relationships and, 151152

corruption issues and, 152154

Dangote Group in Nigeria and, 134

data-driven solutions in transportation and, 75

ease of doing business and, 1415, 147, 179180

industrial acceleration plans in, 54

local managers and leaders and, 151

manufacturing incentives under, 53

multinationals’ local partnerships and, 104

private operators of schools and, 66

resilience and, 135, 147155

skilled labor training and, 5758

visa-free travel and, 14, 16, 186

greenfield industrial hubs, 23, 4950, 107

green revolution, 6768, 74

Gro Intelligence, 2324, 25, 75, 166167

growth trends, 3579. See also economic growth

business opportunities in, 38, 39f

digital payments example of, 3537

five big trends in, 3840

industrial revolution and, 38, 4958

infrastructure gaps and, 38, 5866

mobile and digital technologies and, 40, 7579

natural resources and, 40, 6675

urbanizing population with spending power and, 38, 4048

Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), 28

Guinea, 101

Guinness, 52

GZ Industries (GZI), 52

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, 165

Harvard Business Review, 7

Hawassa Industrial Park, Ethiopia, 4950, 53, 57, 107, 108

health care

business opportunities in, 41, 44

consumer spending on, 58

Equity Bank’s support for, 131

gaps in, 184

GE’s partnership in, 62, 66, 185

new technologies in, 79, 130131

rapid growth in, 1718, 20

Heineken, 52

Helios, 36

Hero brand beer, 56

high-performing companies

diversification strategies of, 140

internships used by, 169

local knowledge used by, 149

long-term view of, 137

strategies for managing challenges in Africa, 144145, 145f

technology in growth strategy of, 123125, 124f

training programs of, 167, 168f

hospitals, GE’s partnership with, 66, 185

housing, brick-making process for, 115116

Huang Shiyi, 94

Ibadan, Nigeria, 41, 99

IBM, 69, 108

Ibrahim Index of African Governance, 141, 152153

iCow app, 108

iHub, 108


consumption growth and, 50, 54

local manufacturing as substitution for, 50, 5254

packaging and, 52

taxes on, 149150


Africa’s land area compared with, 83, 84f

economic growth of, 14, 77

electricity supply in, 61

Fortune 500 companies in, 20

internet-related services in, 77

online sales in, 25

working-age population in, 40, 158

Indomie brand instant noodles, 111112, 115, 119120, 121, 147

industrial revolution, 38, 4958

doubling manufacturing output in, 50, 51f

export opportunities from, 50, 5456

Hawassa Industrial Park, Ethiopia, and, 4950

local manufacturing and import substitution in, 50, 5254

obstacles to manufacturing growth in, 5658

skilled labor force needed in, 5758

industrial tourism, 170

infrastructure development

Africa50 investment platform for, 6364

business challenges from gaps in, 118, 121

Chinese government and, 123

data-driven solutions in, 75

digital technology’s need for, 7778

electricity needs and, 5861

GE’s support for Nigerian development of, 6263, 152, 185

greenfield industrial hubs with, 107

as growth trend, 38, 5866

mining’s need for, 73

other emerging markets compared with, 5860, 59f

private sector’s role in, 6264

public-private partnerships in, 6566, 44, 147

special economic zones with, 108

spending on, 6162

toll bridges and toll roads in, 63

transportation needs and, 6465

urban sprawl and, 6465

water supply issues and, 64


agricultural opportunities for, 6869

brick-making process and, 115116

chin chin packaged snacks and, 115

driver’s license processing and, 117

health care and, 129130

M-Kopa’s solar-power kits with financing and, 125128

mobile money services and, 125, 127128, 132

PZ Cussons’ distribution network and, 120

smartcard manufacturing and, 116117

smartphone features and, 116

insurance companies, 8586, 90, 103

Intel, 108

international companies. See multinational companies

International Monetary Fund, 161


Africa’s lag in penetration of, 77

as catalyst for economic growth, 7677

e-commerce costs and, 26

economic impact of, 77, 7879

internships, 130, 169

Interswitch, 3638, 125, 148


Chinese-owned companies and, 138

diversification strategy for volatility and instability in, 144

foreign direct (FDI), 9, 74, 137138

infrastructure development and, 6364

in Jumia e-commerce site, 26, 76

last-mile digital connectivity and, 78

local partnerships for guidance in, 104105

long-term approach to, 138

mining and, 74

investment companies, 23, 56, 67

investment funds, 69, 86

Ireland, Jay, 6263, 169, 185

Ivory Coast. See Côte d’Ivoire

Japan, 41, 56, 68, 83

Jepkemboi, Stellah, 165

job creation

agriculture and, 68

corporate growth and, 33

double manufacturing output and, 50

entrepreneurs and, 27

midsized companies and, 23

Johannesburg, South Africa, 16, 64

Juma, Calestous, 1516

Jumia (e-commerce site), xiv, 47, 75, 185

growth strategy of, 2426, 76

size of African investment by, 31

talent development by, 166, 169

Kaberuka, Donald, 4041, 106, 107, 147, 148

Kaskazi Network, 105106

Kellogg Company, 104, 111112, 120


Africa Tech Challenge in, 166

annual GDP per capita of, 96

banking in, 28

Coca-Cola’s expansion into, 95

delivery service in, 105106

electricity supply in, 60

Equity Afia medical centers in, 131

Equity Bank in, 112114, 121122

GE in, 62, 151152

Generation youth skills program in, 156157, 164165

horticultural exports of, 69

hospital diagnostic equipment in, 66

income disparities in, 4647

industrial clusters in, 108

investment in manufacturing in, 53

local languages in, 118

M-Kopa’s penetration in, 127128

mobile money service in, 125126, 128

railway construction in, 61

Saham Finances’ expansion into, 90

solar energy kits in, 127128

as stable grower, 143

Subway restaurant employment in, 163164, 164165

Kibera, Kenya, 4647, 155156

Kigali, Rwanda, 43

Kilimall (e-commerce site), 47

Kwesé (media business), 184

labor costs

Africa versus China for, 55

Chinese-owned companies and, 53

flying geese paradigm for, 5556

labor-intensive products, 55

LafargeHolcim, 115116

Lagos, Nigeria, 8, 4344, 65, 95, 98, 99, 102, 160


business objectives and social purpose intertwined and, 185188

community involvement of, 184185

companies’ use of local teams of, 88, 90, 102, 151

deeper purpose of, 183184

development and training of, 132, 151, 170171

engagement of local leaders, 74

meaningful transformation by, 187188

need for gender diversity in, 172174, 175

Lesotho, 7273

Liberia, 6566, 90, 96, 100, 101

Libya, 11, 143

Lions on the Move (Roxburgh), xiii, 11, 50

Liquid Telecom, 103, 104

long-term view of business, 135139

Ma, Jack, 58

Machel, Graça, 174, 181182

Madagascar, 86, 90

Mali, 60, 74, 116

Mandela, Nelson, 16, 188

manufacturing businesses

Chinese-owned manufacturing firms’ percentage of, 53

flying geese paradigm for, 5556

greenfield hubs in, 23, 4950, 107

Hawassa Industrial Park, Ethiopia, for, 4950

import substitution and, 50, 5254

labor-intensive products and, 55

long-term view in starting, 134135

manufacturing hubs in, 4950, 53, 57

obstacles to growth in, 5658

opportunity to double output in, 50, 51f

skilled labor force needed in, 5758

special economic zones for, 107108

manufacturing plants

aluminum-can, 52

glass-bottle, 23, 169170

investment in, 23

smartcards, 116117

textiles, 150

Mara Corporation, 136137, 158


cities as focus in, 95, 98

of Indomie instant noodles, 119120

multinationals’ local partnerships for, 104

SABMiller’s approach to, 5


Coca-Cola’s distribution in, 105

Coca-Cola’s product offerings tailored to, 9596, 101103

digital technology for access to, 75

economic growth and changing consumption patterns in, 96, 97f

expectations for growth in, 12, 13f

geographic mapping needed for, 85

household income and, 4546

longer-term view on consumers in, 48

online. See e-commerce

partners for last mile delivery in, 105106

prioritizing, in strategy, 89, 95100

regional integration and trading blocs of countries and, 1516

satellite television pricing and, 122123

small-scale farmers’ access to, 70

urban populations and, 4446

Mars, 69

Masha, Kola, 6768

Masiyiwa, Strive, 184185

Matjila, Dan, 104105

Mauritius, 90, 132

McKinsey & Company, ix, xiii, xvi

African offices of, 1617, 160

African Stability Index of, 141143, 142f

African Visa Openness Index and, 16

bribery attempt and, 153

Generation youth skills program and, 156

global citizen survey of, on optimism for next generation, 12

global banking database of, 121

percentage of women at, 175

Strategy Practice of, 29

Women Matter initiative of, 171, 174

McKinsey executive survey replies

on African workforce expansion, 157

on Chinese-owned companies’ investments in Africa, 138

on corruption, 153

on digital and mobile technologies, 123, 125

on diversification strategies, 138, 139

on finding and hiring workers, 157, 166, 167

on growth markets, 98

on growth strategies, 131132

on internal training programs, 169

on local knowledge sources, 149

on long-term view, 137

on opportunities in megatrends, 38

on revenue increases and profitability, 122

on supply chain integration, 144

McKinsey research

on cereal production, 68

on consumer spending, 45

on demand for electricity, 61

on diversity and women employees, 172

on Ethiopia as attractive country for sourcing opportunities, 107

on expansion strategies, 9192

on export revenue, 55

on gender diversity, 172

on high-growth companies, 33

on internet-related services, 7677

on internet use and companies’ growth, 77, 79

on long-term approach, 138

on midsized companies’ job creation, 23

on multinationals with pan-African businesses, 8687, 87f

on natural gas market growth, 71

on picking geographic and industry trends, 30

on profitability and corporate strategy, 29, 30

on public transportation and urban development, 65

McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), xiii, 11, 62, 162

meat supply companies, 45, 146

medical center network, 131

Menker, 2324, 75, 166167

MeTL (Tanzanian conglomerate), 146, 148, 149150

Michelin, 17, 100

Microsoft, 78, 108

mining, 7275, 99100

Mitsui, 68

M-Kopa, xiv, 60, 125128, 132

background to founding of, 126127

consumer data collection by, 128

diversification and, 140

purpose of, 129, 179

second purchases in, 127

solar-power kits from, 127128

Mlambo-Ngcuka, Phumzile, 174175

mobile payment services (mobile money services; mobile transfer services), 92, 132

Equity Bank’s efficiency using, 131

Jumia e-commerce site’s use of, 76

M-Kopa’s solar-power kits with payments using, 125131

M-Pesa in Kenya for, 125, 126127

number of active users of, 78, 78f, 125126

Paga in Nigeria for, 132

mobile phones

economic impact of, 79

growth in number of, 17

mobile technology

as biggest business opportunity, 125

economic growth and, 123125, 124f

infrastructure expansion needed for, 7778

productivity gains from using, 79

projected increase in data traffic on, 77

rapid adoption of, as growth trend, 40, 7579

Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, 61

money transfer services. See mobile payment services

Moore, Jesse, 126127, 128, 140141, 179

Morocco, 95, 116

automotive industry in, 50, 54, 58, 107

Coca-Cola in, 95, 103

financial services firms in, 8586, 91, 161

higher-value crops in, 69

industrial acceleration plans of, 54

phosphate mining and fertilizer production in, 74

skilled entry-level workers in, 162

smallholder farm crops in, 69

special economic zones in, 107108

as stable grower, 143

Mozambique, 70, 71, 95, 143, 146

mPedigree Network, 131

M-Pesa (mobile money service), 125, 127128

MTN (mobile phone company), xiv, 17, 26, 60, 76, 148, 167, 186

multinational companies

local knowledge used by, 149

pan-African business strategy of, 8687, 87f

partnerships with local companies by, 104

percentage of, in Africa, 20

Mwangi, James, 112113, 114, 118, 121, 129, 131

MyDawa, 47

Nairobi, Kenya, 8, 41, 4647, 62, 65, 99, 108, 118

Nampak, 52

natural resources development. See also gas industry; mining; oil industry

Africa’s GDP growth and, 11

companies’ expansion strategy in, 99100

as growth trend, 40, 6675

investment increases in, 12

Neotel, 103

Nestlé, 45

Newton-King, Nicky, 158


agricultural lending in, 70

aluminum-can manufacturing in, 52

banking in, 28, 122

barriers to business in, 134

cities with more than 5 million inhabitants in, 41, 42f

Coca-Cola’s expansion into, 95, 103

competition in, 27

consumption patterns in, 96, 97f

Dangote businesses in, 2728, 133134, 138139, 152

digital payments in, 3538, 148

distribution networks in, 120121

driver’s license processing in, 117

ease of doing business in, 14, 185186

economic growth of, 1112

electricity supply in, 60, 62, 63, 134, 147

fertilizer industry in, 134

food companies in, 111112, 119120, 144

GE’s businesses in, 151152, 185

GE’s support for infrastructure development in, 6263, 152, 185

government policies in, 134, 148

Hero brand beer developed in, 56

Indomie instant noodles marketing in, 119120

Lagos’s urban planning and, 4344

local languages in, 118

long-term view of starting businesses in, 135136

mobile payments company in, 92, 132

oil price collapse and, 11, 28, 143

online retailers in, 78

optimism of citizens of, 12

Paga mobile money transfer service in, 92, 132

petroleum industry in, 134

population of, 85

risks in, 134

rubber production in, 100

SABMiller breweries in, 56

Saham Finances’ expansion into, 90

smallholder farms in, 67

smartcard manufacturing in, 116117, 148

sugar refinery project in, 136

unmet demand in, 2425

as vulnerable grower, 143

Nigerian Breweries, 52

North Africa, 60, 108

Obama, Barack, 64

OCP, 74

oil industry

Africa’s GDP growth and, 11

companies’ expansion strategy in, 99100

new sources of growth in, 71, 72

Nigeria and, 12, 28, 143

price collapse and, 11, 28, 71, 90, 143

retail distribution network for, 7172

Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi, 136, 150, 151

online education, 129130

online payments. See mobile payment services

online sales. See e-commerce

Oviosu, Tayo, 92, 129

Paddock, Sam and Rob, 130

Paga (mobile money transfer service), 92, 129

palm oil production, 100, 104, 150

pan-African companies

Coca-Cola as example of, 8788

geographic expansion using, 8687, 87f

large companies as, 1920

pan-African expansion as business strategy, 86, 91, 92, 103

talent strategy as key part of, 161, 170


business objectives and, 105

Coca-Cola’s use of, 103, 105

expansion strategy using, 94

GE’s health-care products and, 66

infrastructure development using, 6566, 44, 147

Kellogg’s use of, 111

last mile delivery using, 105106

multinationals’ use of local companies as, 104

palm oil production and, 100

payment services. See mobile payment services

petroleum industry. See oil industry

Peugeot, 54

pharmaceutical companies, 1718, 105, 131

pharmacy business, 118119

phosphate mining, 72, 74

Poignonnec, Sacha, 2426, 7576, 166, 169, 185

political volatility, 7, 11, 28, 73, 89, 95, 137, 141

Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 95, 99

Pouyanné, Patrick, 18, 7172

population growth

in Africa, 4, 8, 9, 1214, 4041, 85

rapid urbanization and, 9899

Power Africa program, 64

primary schools

average time spent in, 157

marketing campaign in, 119

state-funded private operators of, 66


business opportunities, 7, 2728

creating products and services for unmet needs and, 115

diversity and, 172174, 173f

efficiency improvements and, 122

geographic and industry trends and, 30

McKinsey’s research on corporate strategy and, 2930

Prudential, 9

Public Investment Corporation (PIC), South Africa, 104105

PZ Cussons, 120

Randgold Resources, 7475

regional markets

broad or narrow focus in expansion into, 9193

government policies to integrate, 1516

regulation, 147155

community involvement to build trust and, 151

companies’ relationship with governments and, 151152

corruption issues and, 152154

dealing with shifts in, 148

ease of doing business and, 1415, 147, 185186

expansion strategy and, 93

local managers and leaders and, 151

MeTL’s example of staying ahead of, 148, 149150

mining and, 100

multinationals’ use of local board members for, 149

resilience and, 135, 147155

Renault, 54, 107

resilience, 31, 132154

Dangote Group’s businesses as example of, 135136, 137138

diversification in, 135, 144147

four cornerstones of, 32f, 135

integrated supply chain in, 135, 144147

local context and government relations in, 135, 147155

long-term view in, 135139

strategy for building in business models, 32, 132154, 183

restaurant chains, 163164, 165


expansion strategies in, 92

Indomie instant noodles marketing in, 119120

online sales in, 25

unmet demand and outlet expansion in, 25

rice production, 68, 144


African Stability Index on, 141143, 142f

diversification strategy and, 9495, 139141, 142f

infrastructure development and, 63

long-term thinking and, 144

manufacturing success and, 52, 56

natural resources development and, 73, 74

road building

Africa’s lag in, 68, 59f

data-driven solutions in, 75

Lagos, Nigeria, government and, 43

private sector construction in, 63

SABMiller breweries and, 147

Rocket Internet, 76

Roha, 23, 56, 169

rubber production, 17, 100

rural areas

e-commerce in, 76

Equity Bank’s agency banking model and needs of, 118

infrastructure expansion needed for digital access in, 7778

M-Kopa’s solar-power kits for, 127128

mobile money services in, 125

shift to urban economy from, 4143

Rwanda, 106, 143, 146

business environment improvements in, 15

cluster of suppliers and business partners in, 106

ease of doing business in, 15

economic growth of, 96

online education in, 129131

Saham Finances’ expansion into, 90

satellite television in, 122123

as stable grower, 143

urban infrastructure in, 43

SABMiller (brewer), 47, 151

brand acquisition by, 4, 6

brewery-building program of, 5, 31

diversification by, 139

geographic diversification by, 139

internal infrastructure of, 147

local brands built by, 56, 31

local brewery acquisition by, 5

recognition of African business opportunity by, 45, 31

size of African investment by, 31

success of, 4

talent development by, 170

winning mindset of, 7

Safaricom, 125

Saham Finances

acquisitions by, 103

expansion strategy of, 88, 93, 94

growth strategy of, 8586, 90

talent strategy at, 161, 169, 170

Sanlam (insurance company), 86

SA SME Fund, 186

satellite television, 122123


entry-level job applicants from, 160

job shortages and underperformance of, 157

marketing campaign in, 119

state-funded private operators of, 66

SecureID, 116117

Senegal, 134, 143

Shoprite, 17, 25, 47, 146147

Sierra Leone, 101, 134

SIFCA, 17, 100, 104

SIM cards, 117, 148

Singhal, Deepak, 112, 115, 119120, 154

skilled labor force

entry-level workers in, 162, 163

Generation youth skills program and, 156157, 158

manufacturing’s need for, 5758

training programs and, 160161

vocational skills and, 162166, 163f

slow-grower countries, 143

small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

economic development and, 23

internet benefits for, 77

smartcard manufacturing, 116117

smartphone manufacturing, 116

social development

African-led private sector and, 27

internet-related services as catalyst for, 77

social media, 114, 123

social purpose

business objectives intertwined with, 185188

LafargeHolcim’s cement products and, 116

social responsibility

business philosophy and, 188

investment in local communities and, 74

social compact to solve social and economic challenges and, 187

society, companies’ holistic view of, 187

solar energy kits, 60, 125126, 127128, 140, 179

solar-power industry, 76

Somalia, 88

Songwe, Vera, 5758

South Africa

aluminum-can manufacturing plant in, 52

annual GDP per capita of, 96

automotive industry in, 50

banking in, 28

Coca-Cola’s expansion into, 95

companies’ difficulties filling jobs in, 157

companies’ growth opportunities in, 98

consumption patterns in, 96

corruption in, 153154

Dangote Cement company in, 134

economic growth of, 1112, 186

electricity supply in, 60

employment issues in, 157, 186

labor costs in, 50

McKinsey’s first African office in, 16

number of big firms in, 20, 21f

SABMiller’s beer brand in, 6

skilled entry-level workers in, 162

as slow grower, 143

women board members in, 172

youth employment in, 165

Southern Africa, mining in, 73

Southern African Development Community, 15

special economic zones (SEZs), 107108

stability of African countries

index measuring, 141143, 142f

political volatility and, 7, 11, 28, 73, 89, 95, 137, 141

stable-grower countries, 143

StarTimes (broadcasting company), 122123, 170171


cross-border expansion by, 139

health-care opportunities for, 129

Nairobi’s tech ecosystem and, 47, 108

unmet demand and, 23, 26

strategy, 83110

broad or narrow geographic focus in, 9193

clusters of suppliers and business partners in, 106

Coca-Cola’s expansion approach in, 8788, 8990, 102103, 105

creating products and services for unmet needs and, 115

defining how to achieve scale and relevance using, 89, 101103

four navigation tools for, 32, 8889

geographic mapping needed in, 85

home market expansion first in, 92

identifying and building ecosystem needed for, 89, 103109

industry clusters (hubs) and, 106108

location decisions in, 106107

long-term focus on tomorrow’s growth markets in, 9697

multinationals with pan-African businesses as, 8687, 87f

partnerships in, 94, 103, 104, 105

prioritizing markets in, 89, 95100

risk diversification in, 9495

Saham Finances’ geographic expansion in, 8586

setting a clear aspiration to guide, 8995

size (land area) of Africa and, 83, 84f

winning in Africa and, 2933

sub-Saharan Africa

electricity supply in, 60, 61

internet growth in, 77

mobile money accounts in, 78, 78f

Saham Finances’ strategy in, 86

Subway (restaurant chain), 163164, 164165

sugar production, 133, 134, 136, 144

Sun, Irene Yuan, 55

supermarket chains, 17, 45, 47, 102, 146147

supply chains

backward integration of, 120, 144

business clusters and, 106

companies; electric power and water supply infrastructure for, 147

Dangote Group’s example of, 144

examples of integration of, 146147

Indomie instant noodles distribution and, 120

multinationals’ local partnerships for, 104

resilience from integration of, 135, 144147

Sustainable Development Goals, UN, 187

Swaniker, Fred, 132, 160161

TA Associates, 36

talent, 155176

brain drain and shortage of, 157158

companies’ support for women’s advancement and, 162, 174175

diversity and profitability and, 172174, 173f

education underperformance and, 157

examples of recruiting and interviewing, 163165

Generation youth skills program and, 156157, 158, 164165, 176

geographic mobility in, 170

internal processes for growing, 162, 166167

SABMiller’s international program in, 170

Saham Finances’ strategy for, 161, 169, 170

skills shortages and, 157

three imperatives for unleashing, 32, 33, 162

training programs and, 160161, 165166

vocational skills and, 162166, 163f

women’s participation and, 162, 171176

working-age population and, 40, 158159, 159f

Tanger Automotive City, Morocco, 107108

Tangier, 107

Tanzania, 5, 55, 95, 97, 123, 125, 134, 139, 140, 143, 146, 149, 150

technology. See also digital technology; mobile technology

as biggest business opportunity, 125

economic growth and, 123125, 124f

economic impact of, 77, 7879

Jumia e-commerce site as example of success of, 7576

productivity gains from using, 79

rapid adoption of, as growth trend, 40, 7579

Tecno, 116

television sets, online sales of, 126127

textile hubs, in Ethiopia, 4950, 53, 107

textile industry, 49, 146, 150

Thakkar, Ashish J., 136137, 158

Thiam, Tidjane, 9, 63, 144

Tiger Brands, 2728

Tolaram Africa, 104, 111112, 114, 115, 119120, 132, 147

toll bridges and toll roads, 63

Tony Elumelu Foundation, 27, 186

Total, xiv, 18, 31, 7172


for entrepreneurs, 27

internal processes for growing, 166167, 168f

SABMiller’s international program in, 170

for skilled labor force, 58

talent development and, 160161

vocational skills and, 162166, 163f, 165166

transfer services. See mobile payment services

Transparency International, 153

Tripartite Free Trade Area, 15

Tunisia, 11, 96, 143

2U (educational technology company), 130

Uber, 122

Uganda, 95, 125, 126, 140, 146, 166

UN-Habitat, 116

United Bank for Africa, 27, 186

United Nations, 67, 98

Economic Commission for Africa of, 57

Sustainable Development Goals of, 187

US Department of Agriculture, 69


brain drain and, 157158

GE’s support for curriculum development at, 185

job applicants from, 160, 170171

online courses in, 130

urbanization. See also cities

challenges to cities from, 4344

growth strategy focus and, 9899

as growth trend, 38, 4048

income and wealth disparities and, 4648

infrastructure investment and, 43, 44

longer-term view on consumers and, 48

market challenges from, 4446

population growth in cities and, 41, 42f, 43

shift from rural economy and, 4143

working-age population increase and, 4041

Verheijen, Danladi, 52

Verod Capital Management, 52

Vietnam, 55, 107

visa requirements, 14, 16, 186


Coca-Cola’s strategy with, 89

Saham Finances’ strategy with, 90

vocational skills, 162166, 163f

vulnerable-grower countries, 143

Wanjiku, Margaret, 118119

Wanjohi, Ng’ang’a, 105

Washington, Brooks, 23, 56, 169

water supply, 64, 74

West Africa

air travel connections in, 19

cacao farming in, 69, 100

consumption growth in, 96

Dangote’s growth in, 134

mining in, 73

palm oil industry in, 100

rubber-production facilities in, 17

Saham Finances’ expansion into, 90

Tolaram food products in, 111, 115

Wilmar International, 100, 104


companies’ support for advancement of, 162, 174175

diversity and profitability and, 172174, 173f

empowerment programs for, 174

percentage of positions held by, 171172

World Bank, xiii, 12, 14, 23, 108, 123, 185

World Economic Forum, xi, 16

Zambeef, 45, 146


Africa Tech Challenge in, 166

annual GDP per capita of, 96

Dangote Cement company in, 134

food company in, 45, 146

SABMiller’s brewery in, 6

as vulnerable grower, 143

Zimbabwe, 88

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