About Ed Bernier


Ed Bernier has over 20 years’ experience working with databases, data warehousing and analytics. Most recently Ed spent 8 years at Netezza, inventor of the data warehouse appliance. Ed was a Netezza Systems Engineer and he was teamed up with a sales person to provide pre and post-sales support in the New England, Upstate NY and Eastern Canada Sales Territory. The Netezza appliance was one of the most exciting products Ed had ever sold at that point in his career. Ed was a pivotal part of IT history as Netezza continued to pioneer the computer industry with the first true data warehouse appliance.

Ed then spent two years as a Sr. Systems Engineer at ParAccel, which was eventually purchased by Actian. ParAccel was founded by one of the original co-founders of Netezza, Barry Zane. Ed once again played a key part in IT history as ParAccel became one of the first MPP columnar databases to run on a cluster of commodity x86 nodes. Amazon’s Redshift database is based on the ParAccel Columnar PADB database.

Ed currently works at WebAction, which has pioneered a real-time analytics platform that allows clients to run SQL and analytics against streaming data. His responsibilities include Proof of Concepts (POC’s), presentations, whiteboard sessions, product training, software installations and upgrades, sales meetings, RFI and RFP responses, proposals and general sales and customer support activities.

His academic credentials include: BS, Computer Science, Math at the University of Hartford ; AAS, Electronics at the University of Hartford

Ed is an evangelist of next generation analytical solutions for structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sources. Having spent over 25 years working with databases, data warehousing, business intelligence and analytical appliance technology and solutions he understands the power of analytics to gain insight from the captured data. Ed believes that the answers for many of the struggles of society will come through data analysis. Analyzing clinical, claim, and behavioral data should provide greater insights into health. Analyzing data generated by web browsing, twitter, phone traffic and law enforcement databases will improve public safety and reduce crime and terrorism. Analyzing business data and combining this with external sources will provide companies ever greater insight into their customers, suppliers and internal processes giving them the tools they need to compete and improve efficiencies. Promoting next generation analytical solutions is certainly an exciting and worthwhile pursuit especially as new sources of data generated by sensors becomes more readily available.

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