Firing up the engine

It's time to publish our native web application. Before doing that, ensure that the Task Runner default task is running, as we want to upload the latest version of our client files.

Right click on the project's root node and then left-click on Publish. Select the Production-FTP profile and click on the Publish button to start the build and upload process.

The whole publishing process flow can be checked in real time within the Visual Studio Output window. As soon as the FTP connection will be attempted, we'll be asked for username and password, unless we gave our consent to store our login credentials within our publish profile's .pubxml file:

The publishing task might require some time, as Webpack will have to work its magic. Once done, our default web browser will be automatically launched against the URL we specified within the Publish profile settings.

If everything has been set up properly, our native web application will show itself in all its splendor:

As expected, there are only three quizzes; we know from Chapter 4, Data Model with Entity Framework Core, that we wrapped the function that creates the other 47 within a #if DEBUG block in the DbSeeder class, to prevent them from being created in the production environment. If we don't see them, it just means that everything is working as planned.

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