8.2. Restricting Access to Selected Application Pages


You want to restrict access to many, but not all, of the pages in your application (i.e., you want to make some pages accessible to the public).


Implement the solution described in Recipe 8.1 and then modify the contents of the web.config file to list the pages that allow public access and those that require authentication.

Modify web.config as follows:

  1. Change the <deny> child element of the <authorization> element to <deny users="*"/> and delete the <allow> child element to deny access to all users.

  2. Add a <location> element to the configuration level for each application page to specify whether it is available to the public or only to authenticated users.

Example 8-5 shows how we have implemented this solution with some sample web.config entries. We begin by adding settings that deny access to all users. We then add settings that allow public access to PublicPage.aspx but restrict access to Home.aspx only to authenticated users.


The approach we advocate for this recipe is the same as for Recipe 8.1, except for certain aspects of the web.config file configuration.

The <authentication> element and its <forms> child are the same as in Recipe 8.1.

We have modified the <authorization> element that we used in Recipe 8.1 to deny access to all users. By denying authorization to all users at the application level, elements can be added to authorize access to particular pages.

Access to the individual pages in the application is controlled by providing a <location> element for each page. For pages with public access, the <location> element should be set up as follows:

<location path="PublicPage.aspx">

      <allow users="*"/>


The path attribute of the <location> element specifies the page that this <location> element applies to. The <authorization> element defines the access to the page defined in the path attribute. For public access, the <authorization> should be set to allow all users (users="*“).

To limit access to individual pages, a <location> element is provided for each of the restricted pages, as follows:

<location path="Home.aspx">

      <deny users="?" />  <!— Deny anonymous (unauthenticated) users —>
                     <allow users="*"/>  <!— Allow all authenticated users —>

The primary difference is the inclusion of two <authorization> child elements. The <deny> element denies access to anonymous (unauthenticated) users. The <allow> element allows access to all authenticated users. Notice that we’ve used two special identities in the code: ? and *. Here ? refers to the anonymous identity, and * refers to all identities.

At first glance this code sequence would appear to allow access to all users. ASP.NET processes authentication and authorization in a hierarchical fashion, starting at machine.config, followed by the web.config for the application, and then any web.config files located in folders in the path to the requested page. As soon as ASP.NET finds the first access rule that applies to the current user, the rule is applied. The rule evaluation continues, and if any other rules are found that reduce the access, they are applied; otherwise, they are skipped. In this case, the <deny users="?" />rule is processed first. The <allow users="*"/> rule is processed second, and because it does not reduce the access, it is skipped; therefore, if the user is not authenticated, he is denied access. As you can see by this example, the precise ordering of the <allow> and <deny> elements is important. They must be in most restrictive order, from top to bottom.

One of the disadvantages of using a <location> element for each page you wish to make accessible to authenticated users is the maintenance of all the page names in the <location> elements. For an application with 50 pages, it is not a big problem; however, for an application with a large number of pages, it can be a big task. ASP.NET provides another mechanism that is described later to make the process a little easier.

Even though this approach may have some maintenance issues, it does have the advantage of providing more control over the individual pages served by your application. For instance, without modifying the web.config file, no one will be able to add a page to your application that will be viewable through the web server. If someone does succeed in adding a page, attempts to access it will result in a redirection to the login page.

If the idea of maintaining a <location> element for each page in your application is not appealing, you can structure your application to place public pages and private pages in separate folders, and then provide one <location> element for the public folder and a second one for the private pages:

        The following location element provides public access to all pages 
        in the PublicPages folder.
  <location path="PublicPages">
                       <allow users="*"/>
        The following location element restricts access to all pages 
        in the PrivatePages folder.
  <location path="PrivatePages">
                       <deny users="?" />  <!— Deny anonymous (unauthenticated) users —>
                       <allow users="*"/>  <!— Allow all authenticated users —>

Using <location> elements to define separate folders for public and private pages is analogous to their use to set authorization requirements for individual pages, except the path attribute is set to a relative path to an applicable folder rather than to a specific .aspx page.


Nothing comes for free. The folder approach to controlling security makes the maintenance of the web.config file simpler; however, it has two drawbacks. First, any page that is placed in a designated folder becomes part of your application, whether you want it to or not. Second, sharing images and user controls is much more difficult. This is the result of having to provide a relative path from the requested page to the image or user control. It becomes even more difficult if a user control contains images and is used in the root folder as well as a subfolder.

See Also

Recipe 8.1; MSDN documentation for more information on web.config format (search for “Format of ASP.NET Configuration Files”)

Example 8-5. web.config entries to restrict access to some pages

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms name=".ASPNETCookbookVB2" 

        <deny users="*" /> <!-- Deny all users -->



                          The following section provides public access to pages that do not 
                          require authentication.  An entry must be included for each page
                          that does not require authentication.
                    <location path="PublicPage.aspx">
                          <allow users="*"/>

                          The following section defines the pages that require authentication
                          for access.  An entry must be included for each page that requires
                    <location path="Home.aspx">
                          <deny users="?" />  <!-- Deny anonymous (unauthenticated) users -->
                          <allow users="*"/>  <!-- Allow all authenticated users -->
..................Content has been hidden....................

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