The ABC Model: assumptions of; description of; how to use the; illustrated diagram of; international application of the; social constructionism theory foundation of

Academy of Management


Aerospace Alliant International (AAI): background information on; lessons learned at; objectives of; outcomes for; SOAR framework/5-D process used for pilot program at

The Age of Unreason (Handy)

AI 4-D Model: AAI case story application of; overview of the

AI 5-D Model: AAI case story use of SOAR framework and; description of

AI (Appreciative Inquiry): AI 4-D Model of; AI 5-D Model of; change through social constructionism, power of image, and; comparing Newtonian perspective with; compass function of; defining; dimensions of; evaluation from perspective of; forty-five-minute introduction to; history and new applications of; OD field and evolution of; positive emotions studies legitimizing; rooting in values of emerging paradigm; Six Sigma using perspective of; social construction’s relationship to; structure of; theoretical basis for; transformative change through; two gifts for complex change from; unique change perspective of; valuation of. See also AI generic processes; AI phases; AI principles

AI Commons

AI Consulting

AI DNA: AI structure and role of; building blocks of; five ways that AI creates change; how AI practice rests on foundation of; SOAR framework emergence through; theoretical and research foundations of

AI generic processes: AAI (Aerospace Alliant International) case story on; AI structure component of; Cooperrider/Srivastva Model on; create shared images of future; focusing on the positive; illustrated diagram of; innovative ways to create future; inquiring into stories of life-giving forces; locate themes/select topics for further inquiry; Michigan Office appreciative management case story on; Mohr/Jacobsgaard Four “I” Model on; overview of; Skills and knowledge needed to lead. See also AI 4-D Model; AI 5-D Model; AI (Appreciative Inquiry)

AI interview examples: complete customized protocol; “Creating the Interview Guide, the Customized Protocol” handout; Interview Summary/Report Sheet—Pharmaceutical Company Valuation Project; “Key Considerations in Crafting Questions for an Appreciative Inquiry” handout; sample topics from variety of organizations; “The Stakeholder Scan” handout; task statement for creating additional interview questions; task statement for paired interview; “Topic Choice—A Fateful Act” handout; topic statement for topic identification

AI interview protocol: actual Discovery simulation; creating “report” of interview data; example of complete customized; interviewer training on; workshop development of

AI interview protocol development: step 1: select core group and steering team; step 2: orient participants to meet workshop goals; step 3: quickly get participants into an AI experience; step 4: debrief the mini-AI experience; step 5: share highlights of interview/topics for inquiry; step 6: create interview questions; step 7: develop the inquiry process

AI interview workshop: design for two-day; developing customized interview protocol; importance and goals of conducting; instructions for mini-AI interview

AI interviews: Appreciative Life Coaching case story on; Appreciative Living: Using AI in Daily Life case story on; creating “report” of data from; Four Generic Questions for; inquiring into life-giving forces stories; interviewer training for; key characteristics of; preparation workshop to develop protocol/approach; rationale for the use of stories during. See also Stories

AI listserv

AI phases: Define (or Describe); Delivery (or Destiny); Design; Discovery; Dream. See also AI (Appreciative Inquiry)

AI practitioners: competencies for role of; definition of

AI principles: Anticipatory; Appreciative Inquiry Consulting application of; Constructionist; overview of the 5-D cycle of; Poetic; Positive; Simultaneity; Wholeness. See also AI (Appreciative Inquiry); AI generic processes

AI with a Search Committee case study

AI structure: core principles of; “DNA” of; five generic core processes of; illustrated diagram of

AIA process. See Appreciating-Imagining-Acting (AIA) Process

Anticipatory Principle

Appreciating People

Appreciating-Imagining-Acting (AIA) Process: “Acting in Alignment” step in; “Appreciating What Is” step in; five AI principles applied to; illustrated figure of; “Imagining the Ideal” step in

Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change (Cooperrider and Whitney)

Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination (Watkins and Mohr)

“Appreciative Inquiry: Toward a Methodology for Understanding and Enhancing Organizational Innovation” (Cooperrider)

Appreciative Inquiry Consulting: AI consulting purpose of; new paradigm organizations explored by; origins and background of; principles of co-ownership of; purpose and principles of

“Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Life” (Cooperrider and Srivastva)

The Appreciative Inquiry Summit (Whitney & Cooperrider)

Appreciative Living: Using AI in Daily Life case story: the AIA Process used in; further information on the; principles of AI applied in

Appreciative Management and Leadership: The Power of Positive Thought and Action in Organizations (Srivastva, Fry, and Cooperrider)

The Appreciative Research Carnival


Articulating the dream: creating shared images for future by; provocative propositions (PPs) for


Barnes, J.

Barrett, F. J.

Beck, D.

Beckhard, R.

Beecher, H.

Benne, K.

Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (Singh)

Big Conversation

Bohr, N.

Boulding, K.

Bradford, L.

Breakpoint and Beyond (Land and Jarman)

Breakpoint change

British Journal of Management

Brittain, J.

Buonacorsi Consulting

Bushe, G.


Cameron, K. S.

Carter, J.

Case studies. See Organizational change case stories

Case Western Reserve University

“Certificate Track” in Appreciative Inquiry

Change: the Age of Unreason of current; breakpoint; the constant state of; emerging paradigm on; five ways that AI can create social system; globalization eras impacting; history and evolution of; Lewin’s Unfreezing-Changing-Refreezing model of; unique AI’s perspective on. See also Complex change; Transformative change

Change management: comparing traditional OD and AI’s assumptions on; The New Sciences and implications for. See also Organizational change

Chaos theory

Chavoshi, S.

Classical (Newtonian) mechanics: description of; the New Sciences challenging

Cleveland Clinic Project


Coaching: Appreciative Life Coaching case story on; empathy component of; Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process for

Coetzer, G.

Complex change: new AI paradigm view of shaping; practical change process of AI for; relevance of AI to. See also Change; Transformative change

Complexity theory

The Conference Method (Axelrod)

Constructionist Principle

Cooperrider, D.: The ABC Model by; AI as defined by; Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change by; “Appreciative Inquiry: Toward a Methodology for Understanding and Enhancing Organizational Innovation” by; “Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Life” by; Appreciative Management and Leadership: by; on character of human systems; The Cleveland Clinic analysis by; Cooperrider/Srivastva Model of AI processes; emergence of AI in the work of; “The Emergence of the Egalitarian Organization” by; “Fusion of Strengths” by; on inquiry approach to consulting; original AI principles created by; “Positive Image; Positive Action” by; on the power of AI image; on power of positive thoughts; on SOAR framework; “Social Construction and Appreciative Inquiry:” by; on writing provocative propositions

Cooperrider/Srivastva Model: Deliver (sustaining the change) stage of; Design (co-constructing the future) stage of; on dimensions of Appreciative Inquiry; Discover (appreciation) stage of; Dream (envisioning impact) stage of; overview of

Cousins, N.

Creating shared images process: articulating the dream during the; description of; dream exercise example for; Emergency Department (ED) case story on; Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew case study on; guided-image exercise example for; provocative propositions (PPs) for. See also Shared vision

Creative synergies

Creighton, J.

Cultural differences


Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)

Davis-Perry, D.

Decision making, commitment to local

Definition (or Describe) phase: description of; focusing on the positive core value during; identifying the focus of inquiry during; raising the choice point during; Six Sigma from AI perspective case story on; T/TAC case story on

Definition phase examples: evaluation becomes valuation; forty-five-minute introduction to AI during; four-hour design to initiate AI-based process; increasing gender equity

Delivery (or Destiny) phase: AAI case story application of; description of; Emergency Department (ED) case story on; innovate ways for future process during

Dementia case. See Living Well with Dementia case story

Deporres, D.

Derby, S.

Descartes, R.

Describe phase. See Definition (or Describe) phase

Design phase: AAI case story application of; description of; Emergency Department (ED) case story on

Destiny phase. See Delivery (or Destiny) phase

Diagnostic OD

Dialogic OD

Discovery phase: AAI case story application of; Appreciative Life Coaching case story on; Appreciative Living: Using AI in Daily Life case story on; description of; inquiring into stories focus during; locating theme process during

Diverse voices

Doerries, D.

Doran, A.

Dream exercise

Dream phase: AAI case story application of; creating shared images process during; description of; Emergency Department (ED) case story on; Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew case study on; provocative propositions during


Egan, T.

Einstein, A.

The electronic (AI Newsletter)

Elliott, C.

“Embedded Evaluation”

“The Emergence of the Egalitarian Organization” (Srivastva and Cooperrider)

Emergency Department (ED) case story: AI 5-D cycle for ED redesign illustration; AI approach used for; AI process used to redesign; background information on; contact information on; implemented “quick win” innovations during; outcomes of; reflections on the

Empathic coaching

Enlightenment (mid-18th Century)

Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew case study

European AI Network

Evaluation: AI perspective of; definition of; “Embedded Evaluation” form of; implications of; as integral part of any AI process; SB Discovery Simulation example of AI


Facilitators: competencies for role of; definition of

Flowers, B. S.

Focusing on the positive process: Define phase on; description of; examples demonstrating; explaining and demonstrating AI by; identifying the focus for inquiry while; T/TAC case story on. See also Definition phase

Fredrickson, B.

Friedman, T.

Fry, R. E.

“Fusion of Strengths” (Cooperrider)

Future Search (Weisbord)

Future Shock (Toffler)


Galbraith Star framework


Gandhi, M.

“Geeks” (Millennials): description of; shift from “geezers” to; technological advancements impacting; work characteristics of

“Geezers” (older generation): description of; shift from “geeks” to

“Generative theory,”

Gergen, K.

Global AI Conference (Nepal)

Global Appreciative Inquiry Conferences

“Global Compact” meeting

Global Excellence in Management initiative (GEM)

Globalization 1.0 (1492 to 1800)

Globalization 2.0 (18002000)

Globalization 3.0 (2000 to present)

Golf My Way (Nicklaus)


Grant, D.

Guided-image exercise

Guild, J.


Hammond, S. A.

Handy, C.

Hanna, J.

Hawking, S.

Hinrichs, G.

How, G.

Human Options (Cousins)



Identifying themes

IIRR-Africa project: governance; image and networking; our strategic partners; personnel policy of; planning areas and team assignments; planning teams for strategic areas; program and collaborative field projects; strategic planning process of; workshops/conferences

Image: AI as art of creating; metacognition process creating positive; placebo effect of our self-conceived; the power of positive; Pygmalion studies on impact of another’s; social constructionism creating change through AI and power of. See also Positive thinking

The Image (Boulding)

Imagine Capetown project

Imagine Chicago

Imagine Cleveland project

Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Science

Innovate ways for future process: ABC Model for; Delivery (or Destiny) phase of; description of; individual action approach to; Liverpool Culture Company case story on; Organization Inquiry Model approach to; Toronto District School Board case story on; whole system design approach to

Inquiring into stories process: Appreciative Life Coaching case story on; Appreciative Living: Using AI in Daily Life case story on; description of; Discovery phase focus on the; interviewer training for; as powerful intervention; preparation workshop to develop protocol/approach; rationale for using stories to inquiry

Institute for Cultural Affairs (ICA)

Integrity commitment

Interviews. See AI interviews


Jacobsgaard, M.

Jarman, B.

Jastrow, R.

Jaworski, J.

Josefsson, L.

The Joy of Appreciative Living (Kelm)


Kelley, T.

Kelly, R.

Kelm, J.

Kolodkin, A.

Korinek, L.


Land, G.

LAUP/UDEM Dream Team case story: client objectives during; client organizations in; contact information on; description of project; lessons learned during; outcomes of

Leadership: interview responses to questions on; shared; skills and knowledge for AI process

Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley)

LEAN for organizations

Learning: inquiring into stories for; Provocative Propositions on transfer of

Learning organizations

Leckie, K.

Lessons from the Field (ed. Hammond and Royal)

Lewin, K.

Lewin’s Unfreezing-Changing-Refreezing model of change

Lippitt, R.

Liverpool Culture Company case story: Ai summit held by; background information on; interview questions used by; outcomes of the; postscript on the; project development process; proposed project brief

Living Well with Dementia case story: author and client’s contact information; background information on; beginning the AI phases and process; “Compelling Vision for the Future” picture of; focus of the inquiry; lessons learned from; NHS Development Centre as client in; outcomes of the; sharing stories and dreams; “Simply the Best” picture of; timeline of the AI process; vision for future services and support; “Vision Statement” picture of

Locating the Energy for Change: An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry (Elliott)

Locating themes: description of; Discover phase of; expanding the dialogue in order to; focusing on the positive type process of; identifying themes; LAUP/UDEM Dream Team case story on; theme identification exercise on. See also Stories; Themes

Locke, J.

Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP): background information on; contact information on; LAUP/UDEM Dream Team project for; lessons learned by; objectives of; outcomes for


McKenna, M.

Mann, A. J.

Marshak, R. J.

Marshall, I.

Merseyside Caribbean Association

Meta-practitioners: competencies for role of; definition of

Metacognitive: creating positive impact through; used as self-fulling prophecy

Michigan Office AI case story

Millennials. See “Geeks” (Millennials)

Mini-AI interview: debriefing the; introductions for

Modernist paradigm

Mohr, B. J.

Mohr/Jacobsgaard Four “I” Model

Moyers, B.


Nadler/Tushman Congruence framework

National Academy of Management (OD Division)

National Training Laboratory (NTL)

The New Sciences: description of; dilemmas related to the; forcing re-examination of organizational function

Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (NBIMC): AI 5-D cycle for ED redesign illustration; using AI process to redesign the ED of; background information on ED of the; considering the use of AI for; contact information for; ED redesign outcomes and reflections on; “quick win” innovations at

Newton, Sir I.

Newtonian mechanics: comparing AI’s perspective with; description of; the New Sciences challenging; shift to modernist and post-modernist from

NHS Development Centre (East Midlands): background information on; “Compelling Vision for the Future” picture of; contact information of; flourishing services/support vision for the future of; focus of inquiry conducted for; lessons learned from experience of; objectives/best outcomes as articulated by; outcomes for stakeholders of; “Simply the Best” picture of case; summary of AI process used for; “Vision Statement” picture of

Nicklaus, J.

Nightingale, N.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science

NTL’s Professional Development Workshop in Appreciative Inquiry

Nutrimental Foods (Brazil)


Open Socio-Technical Systems framework

Open Space (Owens)

Organization design processes: individual action approach to; whole system design approach to

The Organization Development Practitioner (journal)

“Organization Discourse and New Organization Development Practices” (Grant and Marshak)

Organization Inquiry Model (ABC Model): assumptions of; description of; how to use the; illustrated diagram of; international application of the; social constructionism theory foundation of

Organizational change: AI 5-D Model of; AI structure used for; requirements for; skills and knowledge to lead AI processes for. See also Change management; Social systems; Transformative change

Organizational change case stories: Appreciative Life Coaching; Appreciative Living: Using AI in Daily Life; Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew case study; LAUP/UDEM Dream Team; Liverpool Culture Company; Living Well with Dementia; Michigan Office AI management; Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Emergency Department; Six Sigma from AI perspective; Toronto District School Board; T/TAC at The College of William and Mary (W&M); Using the SOAR Framework at AAI; Zambia Police Services Victim Support Unit (VSU). See also Stories

Organizational development (OD): AI approach to; AI evolution from field of; comparing the New OD with classical; contrasting diagnostic and dialogic; “New OD” practices of; organizing change process of AI and traditional; process consultation shift in

Organizational development (OD) consulting: AI skills and knowledge needed for; competencies needed for post-modernism era of

Organizational Excellence Program (OEP)

Ownership: co-ownership; interview responses on shared vision and


Pareek, U.

Parrack, M.

Participative Design Workshop (Emery)

Pettigrew, A. M.

Physics: classical; quantum

Placebo phenomenon

Poetic Principle

Positive emotions

“Positive Image; Positive Action” (Cooperrider)

Positive Principle

Positive thinking: metacognition form of; studies on the power of. See also Image

Possibility statements

Post-modernism: OD consulting in the era of; paradigm of

Practicing OD (2009)

Pritchard, W.

Process consultation

Processes. See AI generic processes

Promoting collective good

Proust, M.

Provocative propositions (PPs): guiding redesign of organization through; image of macro vision described in; instructions for writing/examples of; origins and development of; possibility statement form of; on transfer of learning dream

Pygmalion studies


Quantum physics

Quinn, R.


Radford, A.

Reality: modernist paradigm of; post-modernism paradigm of; role of conversations in creating; social constructionism perspective of; “Third World Aid”; traditional view of

Requests, Offer, and Commitments Approach

Research in Organizational Change and Development (journal)

The Roundtable Project

Royal, C.

Rukeyser, M.


Saint, D. k.

Sante Fe Institute

SB Discovery Simulation (SmithKline): description of the; learning, innovations, and reaffirmations of case

Scharmer, C. O.

Schwartz, G.

Scientific management

“Second tier thinking”

Self-organizing systems

Seligman, M.

Senge, P.

Shaked, D.

Shank, R. C.

Shared leadership

Shared vision: having shared values and; interview responses on. See also Creating shared images process

Sharing learning

Shendell-Falik, N.

SIGMA Center for Global Change

Simnton, S. M.

Simonton, O. C.

Simultaneity Principle: description of; Six Sigma case study application of

Singh, S.

Six Sigma case study: AI perspective of; AI problem-solving experience applied to; building bridges between AI and Six Sigma; contact information on; Simultaneity Principle application in

Slack, T.

Sloan, B.

SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (SB Project)

SOAR framework: AI 5-D processes using the; description of; emergence from AI DNA. See also SWOT analysis

“Social Construction and Appreciative Inquiry:” (Cooperrider, Barrett, and Srivastva)

Social constructionism: ABC Model grounded in; AI Constructionist Principle based on; AI’s relationship to; combining power of image with AI to create change; description of; modernist paradigm compared to; orienting principles of; post-modernism paradigm of; reality in perspective of; role of conversations in creating social reality

Social Innovations in Global Management Conference

Social systems: Cooperrider on character of; how AI can create change in. See also Organizational change

Spiral Dynamics theory

Spirited learning community

Srivastva, S.

Stavros, J. M.

Stories: characteristics and power of; inquiring into life-giving forces; rationale for the use of. See also AI interviews; Locating themes; Organizational change case stories

SWOT analysis. See also SOAR framework

The Synapse Group, Inc.


Taos Associate News

Taos Institute

Taylor, F.

Taylor, P.

Tell Me a Story (Shank)

Thatchenkery, T. J.

Theme Identification Exercise

Themes: identifying; process for selecting; Provocative Propositions step after; questions to learn about; selecting topic of; transfer of learning through. See also Locating themes

The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry (Hammond)

The Thin Book of SOAR (Stavros and Hinrichs)

“Third World Aid”

Toffler, A.

Toronto District School Board case story: background information on; client objectives; contact information on; Imagine Student Success project of; lessons learned from; outcomes of the

Toward Transformation of Social Knowledge (Gergen)

Transfer of learning

Transformative change: AI and the challenge of organizational; AI as way to achieve goal of; Appreciative Inquiry Consulting’s commitment to; as Holy Grail; new paradigm view of shaping future; relevance of AI to complex; social constructionism, power of image, and AI for. See also Change; Complex change; Organizational change

Tschannen-Moran, B.

T/TAC (Training and Technical Assistance Center) [W&M]: AI event and activities held at; contact information for; cutting-edge theme of; description of the; interconnectedness theme of; introduction to AI phase of; lessons learned at; objective of the; school context of applying AI process at; unintended outcomes of AI at

Tursky, B.


Unfreezing-Changing-Refreezing model of change

Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM): background information on; contact information on; LAUP/UDEM Dream Team project for; lessons learned by; objectives of; outcomes for

University of Texas, Dallas

University of Utah

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

U.S. Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs)

Using the SOAR Framework at AAI case story: AAI (Aerospace Alliant International) Division as client of; author’s contact information; background information on; lessons learned from; outcomes of the; SOAR framework and AI 5-D process during


Valuation: development aid projects and programs; “Embedded Evaluation” conducted for; evaluation to establish; Zambia Police Services Victim Support Unit case story on

Values-In-Action Signature Strengths Questionnaire

Villarreal, N. W.

Vision: having shared values and; interview responses on ownership and shared; NHS Development Centre’s; possibility statements about the


Watkins, J. M.

The Weatherhead School of Management (Case Western Reserve University)

Web sites: AI Commons; Alex Kolodkin’s iPod video;; Randy’s full speech; Taos Institute; Values-In-Action Signature Strengths Questionnaire;

Wheatley, M.

White, L.

Whitney, D.

Whole System Design (Mohr & Levine)

Wholeness Principle

Wish question

Woodman, R. W.

Workman, L.

World Café (Brown, Isaacs, & The World Café Community)

The World Is Flat (Friedman)


Yeboah, R.


Zambia Police Services VSU case story: AI five Ds of the; background information on; benefits of AI for evaluation of; establishing evaluation criteria issue of; evaluation process conducted during; examples and stories of the; stakeholders of; up-country workshops of the

Zohar, D.

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