The first basic shape

This project is going to take advantage of several powerful editing tools that Bender provides. The first one is going to be the extrude operator. Extruding takes its name from a process for making things in real life, but in 3D modelling, extruding takes a selected part of an existing model and creates new geometry on the edge of the selected parts, so that the original can be moved away but remain attached to where it came from. The result is a new shape that can then be edited.

Let's get ready; it's time to get to work:

  1. Open Blender, select all (A) in the default scene, and clear (X) it:
    The first basic shape
  2. Next, add (Shift + A) a cylinder object to the scene:
    The first basic shape
  3. In the Tool Shelf, open the parameters for Add Cylinder and change the number of Vertices from 32 to 8. Change the Radius field to 25 and the depth to 15:
    The first basic shape


    Remember that these settings are only available when an object is first created. Selecting anything else, performing a transformation or action, or even deselecting the object will make these setting disappear. If the settings are gone, the only way to get them back is to delete and re-add the object to the scene.

  4. Enter Edit mode (Tab) and switch to Face Select mode (Ctrl +Tab):
    The first basic shape
  5. Deselect all faces (A).
  6. Select one of the vertical sides of the cylinder.
  7. In the 3D View menu, navigate to Mesh | Extrude | Region, or press E on the keyboard.
  8. Move the mouse until the leg is long enough for you to just type 40 to extrude it exactly 40 mm.
  9. Press Enter or click on the select mouse button to complete the action:
    The first basic shape


    Like all commands, the extrude command can be cancelled by pressing Esc key or clicking the non-select mouse button before the action is completed.

  10. To give this arm a gentle, tentacle-like shape, scale the selected face at the end of the arm (S) down to about 20 percent (. + 2):
    The first basic shape
  11. Repeat the extruding and scaling process with the other seven vertical faces of the cylinder to make all eight tentacles:
    The first basic shape
  12. Select the top face of the cylinder and extrude (E) it about 30 mm:
    The first basic shape
  13. Then scale (S) it up just a little bit to make the head bulbous:
    The first basic shape
  14. Extrude (E) the top again, this time about 20 mm, and scale (S) it in to give the top a more rounded shape:
    The first basic shape

Like making a carving out of stone, these first stages are rough, but the model will be refined later. As it is, this basic shape has got a head and eight arms. That's enough like an octopus to get started.

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