
Book Description

Why are so many companies moving to the cloud? In a word, agility. Businesses need to act quickly to stay ahead of today’s global competition. The cloud provides all the services you need on demand—everything from data storage and applications to networking and greater processing power—so your business can catch, match, or outpace your competitors. With this short ebook, you’ll learn how the cloud enables you to pivot quickly when market conditions change.

Author Bill Laberis explains how the cloud follows in the footsteps of previous computing paradigms such as mainframes and client-server models. You’ll explore various cloud options and examine case studies that reveal how Airbnb, Heineken, American Airlines, Colgate-Palmolive, and Schneider Electric leverage cloud services from Amazon, IBM, and Google.

  • Delve into the business case for using cloud services
  • Understand the differences between the private, public, and hybrid cloud
  • Examine the cloud’s payment model that lets you pay for services on an as-needed basis
  • Explore cloud options such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and serverless computing
  • Learn about the security concerns of the public and private cloud

Table of Contents

  1. 1. What Is the Cloud?
    1. The Cloud Is…
    2. Something Old, Something New
    3. Client–Server Era Ushers in More Resource Sharing
    4. Along Comes the Internet and Cheap Networks
    5. Different Kinds of Clouds
      1. What Is the Public Cloud?
      2. What Is the Private Cloud?
      3. What Is a Hybrid Cloud?
    6. The Community Cloud Model
    7. What Are Cloud Services?
      1. IaaS
      2. PaaS
      3. SaaS
    8. Case Study: Airbnb Books Room in the Cloud
    9. Case Study: Heineken, James Bond, and the Cloud
    10. Case Study: American Airlines Reroutes to the Cloud
    11. Case Study: Colgate-Palmolive Cloud Supercharges Collaboration
    12. Case Study: Schneider Uses the Cloud to Bring Electricity to the Masses
    13. Summary