
Book Description

The use of distributed programming is increasing. High availability requires multiple machines and often multiple data centers. Machine learning and AI models are run as parallel tasks on clusters to reduce training time. But distributed programming has always been hard to do--at least, until now. This report shows you an easier way.

Dean Wampler from Anyscale introduces you to Ray, an open source project that provides a concise and intuitive Python API for defining tasks that need to be distributed. Built by researchers at UC Berkeley, Ray does most of the tedious work of running workloads at massive scale. For the majority of distributed workloads, this guide shows you how Ray provides a flexible, efficient, and intuitive way to get work done.

  • Learn how Ray builds on familiar language concepts: functions for stateless tasks and classes for stateful computing
  • Use Ray libraries for reinforcement learning, hyperparameter tuning, distributed training of TensorFlow and PyTorch models, and model serving
  • Work with Ray for general application development, including conventional microservices and serverless applications
  • Get hands-on instruction using live Ray code with Dean Wampler's Meet the Expert session on O'Reilly online learning

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Distributed Computing Is Hard but Necessary
    1. Why Ray?
    2. The Trends That Led to Ray
    3. What’s Next?
  2. 2. The Ray API
    1. Just Six API Methods
    2. Installing Ray
    3. Initializing Ray
    4. From Functions to Ray Tasks
    5. Task Dependencies
    6. From Classes to Ray Actors
    7. What’s Next?
  3. 3. Machine Learning Libraries That Use Ray
    1. What Is Reinforcement Learning?
    2. Reinforcement Learning with Ray RLlib
      1. What Did We Learn?
    3. Hyperparameter Tuning with Ray Tune
    4. Distributed Training with Ray SGD
    5. Model Serving with Ray Serve
    6. What’s Next?
  4. 4. Ray for Applications
    1. Why Microservices?
    2. Production Services Built with Ray
    3. Ray for Serverless
    4. What’s Next?
  5. 5. Recap and Next Steps
    1. Next Steps with Ray
    2. For More Information
    3. Final Thoughts