
Book Description

This eBook featuring some of the most memorable and useful articles that have been published on Smashing Magazine in the last few years — all of them carefully selected and thoroughly edited. Ranging from heavily discussed topics such as responsive Web design, to ideas on UX, to trusty mainstays like nifty Photoshop tricks, to hands-on business advice and design inspiration, this eBook is a potpourri as diverse as your work as a Web designer.

Table of Contents

  1. Imprint
  2. Designing For The Reading Experience
  3. Logical Breakpoints For Your Responsive Design
  4. Sketching A New Mobile Web
  5. Towards A Retina Web
  6. Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Free
  7. Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed
  8. Building Something That Your Users Will Actually Want To Buy
  9. “But The Client Wants IE 6 Support!”
  10. Passive Income Strategies For Web Designers
  11. Mastering Photoshop: Unknown Tricks and Time-Savers
  12. The Art Of Film Title Design Throughout Cinema History
  13. Teach Them How To Hit The Ground Running And Faceplant At The Same Time?
  14. About The Authors