
Book Description

This book includes contributions from top scholars who outline the best leadership practices for the benefit of the practicing leader. Each chapter focuses on a specific area of leadership practice and ends with a set of  "take away" best practices in each area—an executive summary in reverse—that will serve as a quick reference for those who might want to peruse chapters, but still extract the best practices, as well as a summary for those who thoroughly read each chapter.

"Jay Alden Conger and Ronald Riggio have brought together a galaxy of sophisticated yet practical experts on leadership, stressing both the complexity and indispensability of both transactional and transforming leadership, with the blessing of the pioneering student of leadership, Bernie Bass."
—James MacGregor Burns, professor emeritus, Willams College, and Pulitzer Prize winner

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. The Kravis Leadership
    1. The Kravis-de Roulet Leadership Conference
    2. The Kravis Leadership Institute
  3. Foreword
  4. About the Authors
  5. Introduction
    1. How the Book is Organized
  6. One. Leadership Development and Selection
    1. One. Best Practices in Leader Selection
      1. Objectives of Leader Selection
        1. Purposes of Selection
        2. Criteria for Selection Systems
          1. Individual Performance
          2. Informing Individual Development
          3. Legal Defensibility
          4. Candidate Acceptance
          5. Efficiency
        3. Personnel Selection Paradigms
        4. Criteria of Effective Leadership
          1. Domains of Leader Performance
            1. Competencies
            2. Differences by Management Level
            3. Cultural Differences
            4. Business Challenges
      2. Individual Selection Techniques
        1. Inferences about Behavior
          1. Cognitive Tests
          2. Situational Judgment Tests
          3. Personality Inventories
          4. Integrity Tests
          5. Leadership Potential Inventories
          6. Motivational Fit
          7. Projective Techniques
        2. Descriptions of Behavior
          1. Biodata
          2. Career Achievement Records
          3. Reference Checks
          4. Interviews
        3. Demonstrations of Behavior
          1. Administrative Simulations
            1. In-Basket
            2. Planning
            3. Fact-Finding Exercise
            4. Analysis
          2. Interactive Simulations
            1. Interaction Role Plays
            2. Media Interview
            3. Presentation or Visionary Address
            4. Group Discussion
            5. Business Game
          3. Value of Simulations
        4. Questionable Methods
          1. Multirater Surveys
          2. Graphology
      3. Selection Systems
        1. Is Combining Selection Techniques Worthwhile?
          1. Reducing Adverse Impact
          2. Incremental Validity
        2. Techniques for Combining Selection Methods
          1. Mechanical or Judgmental Combination
          2. Multiple Hurdles
          3. Individual Assessment
          4. Assessment Centers
      4. Making Leader Selection Successful
        1. Best Practices and Common Practices
        2. Realizing Selection System Objectives
      5. Executive Summary
    2. Two. Best Practices in Leadership Assessment
      1. Uses for Leadership Assessment
      2. What is Measured
        1. Leadership Potential and Emergence
        2. Leadership Character and Values
        3. Leadership Motivation
      3. Contextual Challenges for Leadership Assessment
      4. Assessment Methods
        1. Assessment for Executive Selection, Placement, and Investment Decisions
          1. Interviews
          2. Assessment Centers
          3. Cognitive Ability Tests
          4. Personality Inventories
        2. Assessing Leader Performance with Financial Measures
          1. Individual or Team Performance?
          2. Short-Term or Long-Term Performance?
        3. Assessing Leader Performance with a Balanced Scorecard
        4. Assessment for Executive Development
          1. Developmental Assessment Centers
          2. Measures of Leadership Style
          3. Multisource (360-Degree) Feedback
          4. Assessing Developmental Job Components
          5. Summary
      5. Assessment of Assessment
        1. Economic Value
          1. A Case Example
      6. Executive Summary
    3. Three. Shifting the Emphasis of Leadership Development: From “Me” to “All of Us”
      1. What are Leadership Identities?
      2. Why Develop Collective Leadership Identities—and Why is it so Difficult?
      3. Practical Issues of Collective Leadership Identity Development
        1. Leadership Development Frame
        2. Action Learning Methodology
        3. Best Practice Case Organizations
        4. Best Practices for Building Collective Leadership Identities
          1. Creating Alignment With Organizational Identity
          2. Building Collective Self-Concepts
          3. Developing Systemic Social Networks
      4. Executive Summary
    4. Four. Getting Leader Development Right: Competence Not Competencies
      1. Why Leader Development isn’t Working
      2. What Companies Could be Doing
        1. Identify Challenges, Not Competencies
        2. Identify Experiences, Not Programs
        3. Identify People Who Can Make the Most of the Experiences Offered
        4. Create Mechanisms for Getting People into the Experiences They Need
        5. Help People Learn from the Experiences They Have
      3. The Essential Role of the Developmental Leader
      4. The Role of Executive Coaching
      5. Executive Summary
        1. Key Takeaway 1
        2. Key Takeaway 2
        3. Key Takeaway 3
        4. Key Takeaway 4
        5. Key Takeaway 5
        6. Key Takeaway 6
  7. Two. The Tasks of the Leader
    1. Five. Best Practices in the Use of Proactive Influence Tactics by Leaders
      1. Influence Outcomes
      2. Description of the Proactive Tactics
        1. Rational Persuasion
        2. Inspirational Appeals
        3. Consultation
        4. Exchange
        5. Collaboration
        6. Apprising
        7. Ingratiation
        8. Personal Appeals
        9. Legitimating Tactics
        10. Pressure
        11. Coalition Tactics
      3. Effectiveness of Individual Tactics
      4. Guidelines for Using the Core Tactics
        1. Rational Persuasion
        2. Inspirational Appeals
        3. Consultation
        4. Collaboration
      5. Other Determinants of Influence Success
        1. Combining Tactics
        2. Sequencing of Influence Tactics
        3. Trust and Credibility
      6. Resisting Unwanted Influence Attempts
      7. Executive Summary
    2. Six. Creating the Conditions for Success: Best Practices in Leading for Innovation
      1. A Model for Leading Innovation
        1. Background
        2. The Model
      2. Defining Problems
        1. Environmental Analysis
        2. Leadership Team
        3. Strategy Formation
        4. Mission Definition
      3. Structuring Creative Problem Solving
        1. Idea Generation
        2. Idea Evaluation
        3. Climate Definition
        4. Team Construction
      4. Managing Idea Development
        1. Planning
        2. Process Management
        3. Support and Resources
        4. Discussion
      5. Executive Summary
    3. Seven. Best Practices in Ethical Leadership
      1. The Twofold Task of Ethical Leadership
        1. Ethical Demands of the Leadership Role
        2. Shaping the Ethical Context
          1. Preventing Destructive Behaviors
          2. Creating a Positive Ethical Climate
            1. Formal Ethics Policies and Procedures
            2. Core Ideology
            3. Integrity
            4. Structural Reinforcement
            5. Process Focus
      2. Tools for the Task
        1. Character Building
          1. Role Models
          2. Stories
          3. Habits
          4. Passages
        2. Components of Moral Action
          1. Moral Sensitivity (Recognition)
            1. Lens 1: Purpose
            2. Lens 2: Principle
            3. Lens 3: People
            4. Lens 4: Power
          2. Moral Judgment
          3. Moral Motivation
          4. Moral Character (Implementation)
      3. Measuring Progress: Outcomes of Ethical Leadership
        1. Individual Outcomes
          1. Greater Personal Integrity
          2. Mental, Physical, and Career Health
          3. Expanded Ethical Capacity
        2. Organizational Outcomes
          1. Greater Collaboration
          2. Improved Social Standing and Expanded Market Share
          3. Collective Moral Development
      4. Executive Summary
        1. Meet the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
        2. Shape the Ethical Context
        3. Acquire the Tools of Ethical Leadership
        4. Monitor Ethical Progress
    4. Eight. Best Practices in Team Leadership: What Team Leaders Do to Facilitate Team Effectiveness
      1. The Nature of Team Leadership, Teamwork, and Team Performance
      2. The Conditions for Team Effectiveness
      3. Team Leadership and the Conditions for Team Effectiveness
        1. A Real Team
          1. Team Task
            1. Best Practice #1
            2. Best Practice #2
          2. Bounded Team
            1. Best Practice #3
          3. Delimited Authority
            1. Best Practice #4
          4. Membership Stability
            1. Best Practice #5
        2. Compelling Direction
          1. Energizes
            1. Best Practice #6
            2. Best Practice #7
          2. Orients
            1. Best Practice #8
          3. Engages
            1. Best Practice #9
        3. Enabling Structure
          1. Designing Work
            1. Best Practice #10
          2. Norms of Conduct
            1. Best Practice #11
          3. Team Composition
            1. Best Practice #12
        4. Supportive Organizational Context
          1. Reward System
            1. Best Practice #13
            2. Best Practice #14
          2. Information System
            1. Best Practice #15
            2. Best Practice #16
          3. Educational System
            1. Best Practice #17
        5. Expert Coaching
          1. Beginnings
            1. Best Practice #18
          2. Midpoints
            1. Best Practice #19
          3. Endings
            1. Best Practice #20
      4. Executive Summary
  8. Three. Leading the Organization
    1. Nine. Best Practices in Leading Organizational Change: Workplace Recovery Following Major Organizational Transitions
      1. Workplace Recovery
        1. Incremental versus Transitional Change
        2. The Saturation Effect
        3. The Healthy Side of Transition
      2. Five Realities of Organizational Transitions
        1. Reality #1
          1. Mergers and Acquisitions: Wired for Mismanagement
          2. Downsizing: The Detested Task
        2. Reality #2
        3. Reality #3
        4. The Unintended Human Consequences
        5. The Unintended Business Consequences
        6. Reality #4
        7. Reality #5
      3. Two Requirements and Two Levels of Workplace Recovery
      4. The Elements of Workplace Recovery
        1. Empathy
        2. Engagement
        3. Energy
        4. Enforcement
      5. Timing Workplace Recovery
      6. Executive Summary
    2. Ten. Best Practices in Leading at Strategic Levels: A Social Responsibility Perspective
      1. Why Focus on Social Responsibility?
      2. A Model of Social Responsibility and Leadership
        1. Principle #1
          1. Best Practices Relevant to Principle #1
        2. Principle #2
          1. Best Practices Relevant to Principle #2
        3. Principle #3
          1. Best Practices Relevant to Principle #3
      3. Concluding Thoughts and Further Implications
      4. Executive Summary
    3. Eleven. Best Practices in Corporate Boardroom Leadership
      1. The Board of Directors’ Historic Leader: The Chief Executive Officer
      2. The Nonexecutive Chairman: Are Two Leaders More Effective Than One?
      3. The Lead Director: One Step Toward an Independent Board
      4. Board Committee Leadership: Where the Real Leadership can Occur
      5. Supportive Governance Practices
      6. Executive Summary
  9. Four. Leading in Today’s World
    1. Twelve. Best Practices in Leading under Crisis: Bottom-Up Leadership, or How to Be a Crisis Champion
      1. A Major Crisis at Rural Books
      2. The Lack of Appropriate Training in Crisis Leadership
      3. Shattered Assumptions: A Fundamental Challenge of Crises
        1. Oklahoma City Bombing: An Example of Shattered Assumptions
          1. The Three Major Assumptions of Oklahoma City Undermined by the Bombing
          2. The More Generic Assumptions
          3. The Most General Set of Assumptions
      4. Seven Lessons for Effective Crisis Leadership
        1. Lesson 1: Deny Denial; Grieve before a Crisis Occurs
        2. Lesson 2: Be a Responsible “Troublemaker”
        3. Lesson 3: Embrace Fuzziness
        4. Lesson 4: Be Patiently Impatient
        5. Lesson 5: Think Like a Sociopath; Act Like a Saint
        6. Lesson 6: Down with the Old; Design and Implement New Organizations
        7. Lesson 7: Spirituality Is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
      5. Executive Summary
    2. Thirteen. Best Practices in Leading Diverse Organizations
      1. The Value of Diversity
      2. Understanding the Nature and Mechanisms of Diversity in Organizations
        1. Gender and Racial Diversity
        2. Cultural Influences on Leadership Behaviors and Expectations
        3. Culturally Intelligent Leadership
      3. Responding to Diversity: Best Practices in Leading Diverse Followers
      4. Implementation Challenges for Leading Diversity
      5. Best Practice Examples
        1. Diversity at Marriott
        2. Mentoring Diverse Staff
          1. Benefits of Mentoring in a Diversity Context
      6. Executive Summary
    3. Fourteen. Best Practices in Cross-Cultural Leadership
      1. Does Cross-Cultural Leadership Matter?
      2. How Do We Best Understand Cross-Cultural Leadership?
        1. The Role Perspective
        2. The Context-Driven Perspective
        3. The Interactive Perspective
        4. The Behavioral Perspective
      3. What does it Takes to Lead Cross-Culturally? A Jungle of Competencies
      4. How do We Develop Cross-Cultural Leaders?
      5. What does the Cross-Cultural Leader Need to Know?
      6. Executive Summary
    4. Fifteen. Getting It Right: The Practice of Leadership
    5. Notes
      1. Chapter One: Best Practices in Leader Selection
      2. Chapter Two: Best Practices in Leadership Assessment
      3. Chapter Three: Shifting the Emphasis of Leadership Development
      4. Chapter Four: Getting Leader Development Right
      5. Chapter Five: Best Practices in the Use of Proactive Influence Tactics by Leaders
      6. Chapter Six: Creating the Conditions for Success
      7. Chapter Seven: Best Practices in Ethical Leadership
      8. Chapter Eight: Best Practices in Team Leadership
      9. Chapter Nine: Best Practices in Leading Organizational Change
      10. Chapter Ten: Best Practices in Leading at Strategic Levels
      11. Chapter Eleven: Best Practices in Corporate Boardroom Leadership
      12. Chapter Thirteen: Best Practices in Leading Diverse Organizations
      13. Chapter Fourteen: Best Practices in Cross-Cultural Leadership
      14. Chapter Fifteen: Getting It Right