
Book Description

At first sight, quantum computing is completely different from classical computing. Nevertheless, a link is provided by reversible computation.

Whereas an arbitrary quantum circuit, acting on ?? qubits, is described by an ?? × ?? unitary matrix with ??=2??, a reversible classical circuit, acting on ?? bits, is described by a 2?? × 2?? permutation matrix. The permutation matrices are studied in group theory of finite groups (in particular the symmetric group ????); the unitary matrices are discussed in group theory of continuous groups (a.k.a. Lie groups, in particular the unitary group U(??)).

Both the synthesis of a reversible logic circuit and the synthesis of a quantum logic circuit take advantage of the decomposition of a matrix: the former of a permutation matrix, the latter of a unitary matrix. In both cases the decomposition is into three matrices. In both cases the decomposition is not unique.

Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Introduction
    1. Conventional Computing
    2. Boolean Functions of One Variable
    3. Boolean Functions of Two Variables
    4. Boolean Functions of n Variables
      1. The Minterm Expansion
      2. The Reed–Muller Expansion
      3. The Minimal ESOP Expansion
    5. Group Theory
    6. Reversible Computing
    7. Permutation Groups
    8. A Permutation Decomposition
    9. Matrix Groups
    10. Subgroups
    11. Young Subgroups
    12. Quantum Computing
    13. Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down
  3. Bottom
    1. The Group S_2
    2. Two Important Young Subgroups of S_2w
      1. Controlled Circuits
      2. Controlled NOT Gates
      3. Controlled Circuits vs. Controlled Gates
    3. Primal Decomposition
    4. Dual Decomposition
    5. Synthesis Efficiency
    6. Refined Synthesis Algorithm
    7. Examples
    8. Variable Ordering
  4. Bottom-Up
    1. The Square Root of the NOT
      1. One-(qu)bit Calculations
      2. Two and Multi-(qu)bit Calculations
    2. More Roots of NOT
    3. NEGATORs
    4. NEGATOR Circuits
    5. The Group ZU(n)
    6. The Group XU(n)
    7. A Matrix Decomposition
    8. Group Hierarchy
  5. Top
    1. Preliminary Circuit Decomposition
    2. Primal Decomposition
    3. Group Structure
    4. Dual Decomposition
    5. Detailed Procedure
    6. Examples
    7. Synthesis Efficiency
    8. Further Synthesis
    9. An Extra Decomposition
  6. Top-Down
    1. Top vs. Bottom
    2. Light Matrices
    3. Primal Decomposition
    4. Group Hierarchy
    5. Dual Decomposition
  7. Conclusion
  8. Polar Decomposition
  9. Bibliography (1/2)
  10. Bibliography (2/2)
  11. Authors' Biographies
  12. Index
  13. Blank Page (1/4)
  14. Blank Page (2/4)
  15. Blank Page (3/4)
  16. Blank Page (4/4)