
Book Description

This definitive guide examines how to take advantage of the new Agile methodologies offered when using Ruby on Rails (RoR). You'll quickly grasp the RoR methodology by focusing on the RoR development from the point of view of the beginner- to intermediate-level Microsoft developer. Plus, you'll get a reliable roadmap for migrating your applications, skill set, and development processes to the newer, more agile programming platform that RoR offers.

Book Description

This definitive guide examines how to take advantage of the new Agile methodologies offered when using Ruby on Rails (RoR). You'll quickly grasp the RoR methodology by focusing on the RoR development from the point of view of the beginner- to intermediate-level Microsoft developer. Plus, you'll get a reliable roadmap for migrating your applications, skill set, and development processes to the newer, more agile programming platform that RoR offers.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Dedication
  3. About the Author
  4. Credits
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Introduction
  7. Getting Started with Rails
    1. The Rise and Challenges of Web Development
    2. What Is Rails?
    3. A Brief History of Rails
    4. Installing Rails
    5. Editors and IDEs
    6. Whetting Your Appetite
    7. Summary
  8. Understanding Rails
    1. Misconceptions about Rails
    2. Understanding MVC
    3. Rails' Standard Packages
    4. Understanding Rails' Main Principles
    5. Rails vs. ASP.NET vs. ASP.NET MVC
    6. Summary
  9. Ruby's Data Types
    1. What's Ruby?
    2. Hello, Ruby!
    3. Your New Best Friends
    4. Ruby's Essential Data Types
    5. Summary
  10. Programming Ruby
    1. Defining Methods
    2. Conditionals
    3. Looping
    4. Exception Handling
    5. Objects and Classes
    6. Modules and Mixins
    7. Metaprogramming
    8. Method Name Resolution
    9. Alternative Ruby Implementations
    10. Summary
  11. A Working Sample
    1. Creating a New Rails Application
    2. Scaffolding and Migrations
    3. A RESTful Application
    4. Analyzing the Model
    5. Analyzing the Controller
    6. Analyzing the View Layer
    7. Adding Partials
    8. Adding Validations
    9. Adding a Bit of Style
    10. Setting a Default Time Zone
    11. Adding Support for Textile
    12. Using named_scope
    13. Adding a Custom REST Action
    14. Summary
  12. Incremental Development, Logging, and Debugging
    1. Adding Pagination
    2. Adding Comments
    3. Defining Associations
    4. Nested Resources
    5. Runtime Environments
    6. Logging
    7. Debugging
    8. Rails Directory Structure
    9. Summary
  13. Object-Relational Mapping with ActiveRecord
    1. Supported Databases
    2. ActiveRecord Outside of Rails
    3. Object-Relational Mapping
    4. CRUD Operations
    5. ActiveRecord Associations
    6. ActiveRecord Validations
    7. Advanced ActiveRecord
    8. Testing Models
    9. Summary
  14. Handling Requests with ActionController
    1. Defining Routes with map.connect
    2. Named Routes
    3. RESTful Routes
    4. Working with Controllers
    5. Rendering
    6. Accessing the Request and Response Environment
    7. Maintaining the State
    8. Filters
    9. Testing Controllers
    10. Summary
  15. Rendering the User Interface with ActionView
    1. Working with Templates
    2. Built-in Template Engines
    3. Adding an RSS and Atom Feed
    4. Helpers
    5. Adding a Sprinkle of Ajax
    6. Alternatives
    7. Summary
  16. ActiveResource and Web Services
    1. ActiveResource
    2. SOAP, XML-RPC, and ActionWebService
    3. Summary
  17. Going Into Production
    1. Security Considerations
    2. Performance and Optimization
    3. Deploying Rails
    4. A Few Enterprise Pointers
    5. Upgrading to Rails 2.3
    6. Summary
  18. Additional Resources
    1. HTML and JavaScript
    2. Ruby and Rails
    3. Recommended Books
  19. Index