
Book Description

An exceptional book culminating from decades of practical experience. Real-world examples are peppered throughout the book to fully demonstrate the ideas and strategies that the author presents. Its interactive delivery makes the book highly readable and effective in helping managers achieve results through and with people. - Albert Cheng Yong Kim

Set within a company context and laced with real-day-to-day challenges faced by managers, the book contains many practical ideas for all those involved in managing people to achieve results. Teong Wan provides down-to-earth approaches to put in place a management system to raise motivation and productivity. A book that makes for easy reading for the busy executive - Koh Juan Kiat

It isn't often a business book comes along with both sage and practical advice about how managers can improve business results, but Ong Teong Wan's results Management does just that. From developing a results-management system to managing talented staff, the book is a superb, hands-on guide to managing and growing a business - Kevin McAuliffe

This book provides insights into one of the most pressing issues facing companies today...how to be more competitive by having a strong management system internally to enhance organizational capabilities so as to realize future success. - Anthony Chong

...down-to-earth invaluable practical advice on how to move from strategy to results management ...for all Business Leaders and People Managers wanting to give a new strategic focus to the business by improving people productivity. - Sanjiv Wijayasinghe

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. A note to the reader
  4. Foreword
  5. Preface: Strategy implementation is the differentiation
  6. Introduction: Selecting a management system to enhance productivity
    1. Ascertaining Training Needs for a Management System
    2. Distribution of Ratings with Conventional Appraisal System
    3. Multi-Rater or 360-Degree Appraisal System
    4. Results-Based Appraisal System
    5. Results-Management System
    6. Performance Measurement and Wage Restructuring
  7. 1. Overview: The Results-Management System: Achieving results through and with people
    1. 1.1. The Tone from the Top
    2. 1.2. Strategic Focus for the Year
    3. 1.3. Performance Measurement
    4. 1.4. Performance Management and Review
    5. 1.5. Performance Appraisal
    6. 1.6. Compensation System
    7. 1.7. Talent-Management System
  8. 2. Performance Measurement: Anything measured gets done. Anything measured gets improved
    1. 2.1. Measurement Terms
    2. 2.2. How We Normally Set Targets
    3. 2.3. Balancing Efficiency Measures with Effectiveness Measures
    4. 2.4. The Process of Establishing Performance Measures
      1. 2.4.1. Key Results Areas
      2. 2.4.2. Key Performance Indicators
    5. 2.5. Setting Challenging and Achievable Targets
    6. 2.6. Action Planning
    7. 2.7. Accountability for Results
    8. 2.8. Getting Measurement Accepted
    9. 2.9. Pitfalls to Avoid in Establishing Performance Measures
    10. 2.10. Applications
  9. 3. Performance Management and Review: Managing for commitment, not just for compliance
    1. 3.1. Convincing People and Moving People
    2. 3.2. Basic Managerial Functions Revisited
    3. 3.3. Managing for Commitment, Not Just for Compliance
    4. 3.4. Giving Credit
    5. 3.5. Constructive Feedback
    6. 3.6. Effective Listening
    7. 3.7. Handling Conflict
    8. 3.8. Pulling it All Together
    9. 3.9. Performance Coaching—Improving Skills and Knowledge
      1. 3.9.1. Common approaches to coaching
      2. 3.9.2. Understanding natural defensiveness
      3. 3.9.3. Responding to defensive reactions
      4. 3.9.4. Suggestions for preventing and reducing defensiveness
    10. 3.10. Performance Counseling—Changing Work Attitudes
      1. 3.10.1. Empathizing
      2. 3.10.2. Paraphrasing feelings
      3. 3.10.3. "Soft" questions
    11. 3.11. The Performance Counseling Process
    12. 3.12. Periodic Results Reviews
    13. 3.13. Endnotes
  10. 4. Performance Appraisal: A summative evaluation of results achieved
    1. 4.1. The Place of Performance Appraisal in the Results-Management System
    2. 4.2. The Management-Control Process
    3. 4.3. Making a Balanced Performance-Appraisal Rating
    4. 4.4. Annual Performance-Appraisal Discussion
  11. 5. Compensation System: Paying for the job. Paying market rates. Paying for performance
    1. 5.1. Paying for the Job: Establishing Internal Equity
      1. 5.1.1. How jobs are evaluated
      2. 5.1.2. Establishing salary ranges
    2. 5.2. Paying Market Rates: Maintaining External Competitiveness
      1. 5.2.1. Conducting salary surveys
    3. 5.3. Paying for Performance: Ensuring Productivity
      1. 5.3.1. Paying for performance vis-à-vis base pay position in salary range
  12. 6. Talent-Management System: Placing the right talent in the right place at the right time
    1. 6.1. What Do We Mean by "Talent" and "Talent Management"?
    2. 6.2. Identifying Talent
      1. 6.2.1. What to assess
      2. 6.2.2. How to assess
    3. 6.3. Sourcing Talent
      1. 6.3.1. Internal—assessment of potential
      2. 6.3.2. External—recruiting and attracting
    4. 6.4. Developing Talent
      1. 6.4.1. Deployment as an effective development process
    5. 6.5. Talent Retention
    6. 6.6. Talent Renewal
  13. 7. Implementing the Results-Management System: Any system is only as good as its implementation
    1. 7.1. Recognizing and Accepting Resistance to Change
    2. 7.2. Changing Habits of Thought and Action
    3. 7.3. Reducing Fear of the Unknown
    4. 7.4. Taking Care of Vested Interests
    5. 7.5. Organizing for Implementation
    6. 7.6. Developing an action plan
    7. 7.7. Endnote