
Book Description

Get on the cutting edge of organization development

Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition is your newly revised guide to successful organization development. This edition has been updated to explore the cutting edge of change management, leadership development, organizational transformation, and society benefit. These concepts are explored through emerging and increasingly accepted strengths-based approaches such as: appreciative inquiry, emotionally and socially intelligent leadership, positive organization development, and sustainable enterprises. This edition offers both theoretical concepts and guides to practical applications, providing you with the knowledge, techniques, and tools to put organizational development to effective use in the workplace.

Organization development is an evolving field focused on understanding and positively impacting the human system processes of groups, teams, organizations, and individual leaders. Thorough organization development results in increased effectiveness, improved health, and overall success. This book shows how to attain positive change by: identifying contemporary themes in organization development, executing organization development approaches, as well as elevating and extending research agenda. This book also illustrates how to influence organizational stakeholders, and how to use this influence to enact key organization development practices. This new edition is enhanced by:

  • Updated chapter-by-chapter lesson plans, contributor-submitted PowerPoint lesson templates, sample syllabi, and workshop agendas
  • Revised sample exercises, a test bank, and additional case studies
  • Expanded online appendices that cover regional organization development concepts from around the globe, as well as overviews of additional special issues

Organization development is quickly becoming an important aspect of MBA curricula. Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition gives graduate and doctorate program participants a comprehensive overview of organization development, the resources to learn the field, and the tools to apply their knowledge.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Dedication
  4. List of Figures, Tables, and Exhibits
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Foreword
    1. Organization Development: Transforming the Whole Organization to Thrive, Perform, Achieve Goals, and Grow Sustainably
  7. Introduction: Getting the Most from This Book
    1. The Audience for the Book
    2. The Purpose and Objectives of the Book
    3. References
  8. Part One: Foundations
    1. Chapter One: Organization Development, Transformation, and Change
      1. What Are Organization Development, Transformation, and Change?
      2. Why Care About OD and Change?
      3. What Special Terms Are Used in Organization Development?
      4. What Is Systems Thinking and Why Is It Important?
      5. What Are the Philosophical Foundations of Organization Development, and Why Are They Important?
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
      8. References
    2. Chapter Two: The Origins of Organization Development
      1. Kurt Lewin—The Grandfather of Organization Development (1939)
      2. Wilfred Bion—The Tavistock Method
      3. Douglas McGregor—Theory X and Theory Y
      4. What Is Different about Organization Development?
      5. Who Named Organization Development?
      6. The Origins of Organization Development Timeline
      7. Summary
      8. Resources
      9. References
    3. Chapter Three: Change Process and Models
      1. An Overview of Key Models for Organizational Change
      2. The Evolving View of the Action Research Model
      3. New Action Research Change Model: Perpetual and Instantaneous Positive Change
      4. Organization Development Effectiveness Model
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
    4. Chapter Four: Organization Development and Transformation: What It Takes
      1. How Organization Transformation Emerged
      2. Three Types of Change
      3. Requirements for Transformation to Succeed
      4. Implications for the Organization Development Practitioner
      5. Summary
      6. Resource
      7. Articles
      8. References
    5. Chapter Five: Transformational Leadership Development
      1. Understanding Transformational Leadership
      2. Transformational Leadership Development—Two Components
      3. Transformation in a Dynamic Environment
      4. Creating Self-Awareness
      5. Know Thyself
      6. The Self-Assessment Process
      7. Summary
      8. Resources
      9. References
    6. Chapter Six: Appreciative Inquiry: Organization Development and the Strengths Revolution
      1. Defining Appreciative Inquiry
      2. Brief History of Appreciative Inquiry
      3. Appreciative Inquiry Principles
      4. The Appreciative Inquiry 5-D Cycle
      5. Appreciative Inquiry and the Organization Development Strengths Revolution
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
      8. References
    7. Chapter Seven: Competencies for Success
      1. Competencies as Competitive Advantage
      2. Developing a Competency Framework
      3. Professionalization: Case Examples
      4. Current State of Competencies for the Field of Organization Development
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
  9. Part Two: Organization Development Process to Guide Transformation and Change
    1. Chapter Eight: Entry: Marketing and Positioning Organization Development
      1. Determining Your Value Proposition
      2. Identifying and Reaching the Economic Buyer
      3. Establishing the Routes to the Economic Buyer
      4. Establishing Conceptual Agreement
      5. Creating Proposals That Close Business
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
    2. Chapter Nine: Front-End Work: Engaging the Client System
      1. The Essence of the Front End
      2. Identifying the Client(s) and Sponsor(s)
      3. Becoming Oriented to the Client's World
      4. Establishing the Consultant's Competence and Credibility
      5. Developing an Open, Trusting, and Aligned Relationship
      6. Completing a Preliminary Diagnostic Scan
      7. Contracting the Work, Working Relationships, and Exchange
      8. Introducing the Engagement to the Organization
      9. Summary
      10. Resources
      11. References
    3. Chapter Ten: Launch: Assessment, Action Planning, and Implementation
      1. The Purpose of Launch
      2. Developing a Launch Philosophy
      3. What It Takes to Build Successful Organizations
      4. Considerations in Applying the Launch Phase of Organization Development to Changing Times
      5. Assessment
      6. Action Planning
      7. Implementation
      8. Summary
      9. Resources
      10. References
    4. Chapter Eleven: Evaluating Organizational Transformation: A Situational Approach
      1. Defining and Differentiating Change
      2. The Challenge of Evaluation
      3. Paradox of Competing Demands
      4. Levels of Evaluation
      5. Choosing an Evaluation Strategy
      6. Case Example: A Technology Firm
      7. Summary
      8. Resources
      9. References
    5. Chapter Twelve: Measurement to Determine the Return on Change Management
      1. Multi-layered, Holistic Measurement
      2. History of Measurement
      3. Change Measurement Framework
      4. Change Measurement Scorecard
      5. A Case Application of Change Measurement Scorecard
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
      8. References
    6. Chapter Thirteen: Closure: Mobilizing Energy to Sustain an Agile Organization
      1. Case Example
      2. The Planned Closure Process
      3. Mobilizing Energy
      4. Reflecting Supports Agility
      5. Attend to Closing Throughout an Organization Development Intervention
      6. Guidelines for the Closing Process
      7. Healthy Closure
      8. Determining Next Steps
      9. Summary
      10. Resources
      11. References
    7. Chapter Fourteen: Taking Culture Seriously in Organization Development
      1. What Is Culture and How Does It Work?
      2. Dialogic and Diagnostic Organization Development
      3. Diagnosis and Intervention
      4. The U.S. Culture of Doing and Measuring
      5. What Is Organization Development's Model of Organizational Functioning?
      6. Summary
      7. Resource
      8. References
  10. Part Three: Levels and Types of Change
    1. Chapter Fifteen: Individual Development in Organization Development: Making Change Stick
      1. Coaching Steps for Behavior Change Process
      2. Case Study
      3. Coaching Teams for Behavior Change
      4. Summary
      5. Resources
    2. Chapter Sixteen: Leading Innovative Teams
      1. Examining the Team Leader
      2. Create a Safe Space for Others to Innovate
      3. Building a Team with Complementary Skills and Expertise
      4. Team Processes That Encourage Innovation
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
    3. Chapter Seventeen: Transformation and Change in Large Systems
      1. Defining Transformation and Change in Large Systems
      2. Interventions in Internal-Design Components
      3. Summary
      4. Resources
      5. References
    4. Chapter Eighteen: SOAR: Building Strategic Capacity
      1. Strategy—A Historical Perspective
      2. Linking Strategy and Organization Development
      3. SOAR
      4. SOAR: A Positive Transformation
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
  11. Part Four: Special Issues in Organization Development, Transformation, and Change
    1. Chapter Nineteen: Sustainability and Transformational Work: What Should Business Do?
      1. Consideration 1: Move from a Preplanned to an Emergent Process
      2. Consideration 2: Harvest the Low-Hanging Fruit
      3. Consideration 3: Develop New Competencies for New Challenges
      4. Summary
      5. Resources
      6. References
    2. Chapter Twenty: Organization Design that Transforms
      1. The Relationship of Organization Design to Organization Development
      2. Key Concepts in Organization Design
      3. The Assessment
      4. Design Criteria
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
    3. Chapter Twenty-One: Mergers and Acquisitions: Still Crazy After All These Years
      1. The M&A Process
      2. Recent Developments in M&A Practice
      3. Summary
      4. Resource
      5. References
    4. Chapter Twenty-Two: Exploring the Relationship between Organization Development and Change Management
      1. What Is Organization Development?
      2. What Is Change Management?
      3. The Relationship of Organization Development and Change Management
      4. Example: A Merger
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
    5. Chapter 23: Positive Organizational Change: What the Field of Positive Organizational Scholarship Offers to Organization Development Practitioners
      1. Positive Organizational Scholarship
      2. A Positive Organizational Scholarship Framework
      3. A Positive Organizational Scholarship Lens in the Practice of Organization Development
      4. The Application of Positive Organizational Scholarship in Organization Development
      5. Summary
      6. Resources
      7. References
    6. Chapter Twenty-Four: Positive Organizational Ethics: Adult Moral Development in the Workplace
      1. Principled Performance
      2. Ethics as a Practice
      3. Techniques for Ethical Development
      4. Summary
      5. Resources
      6. References
    7. Chapter Twenty-Five: The Classic T-Group
      1. T-Group Defined and Explained
      2. Key Principles of T-Group Participation
      3. T-Group: Content and Process
      4. The Role and Skills of the T-Group Trainer
      5. What Participants Say About T-Groups
      6. The Past, Present, and Future of T-Groups
      7. Summary
      8. Resources
      9. References
    8. Chapter Twenty-Six: Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Performance
      1. The Essential Choice in Every Interaction: To Judge or to Join?
      2. Enhancing Interactions with the 4 Keys
      3. Three Strategies for Creating the Change
      4. Summary
      5. Resources
      6. References
    9. Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Global Organization Development Professional
      1. Critical Issues and Their Influence on Global Organization Development
      2. The Role of Culture in Global Organization Development
      3. Summary
      4. Resource
      5. References
    10. Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Convergence of Organization Development and Human Resource Management
      1. The Growing Convergence of Human Resource Management and Organization Development
      2. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management
      3. A Conceptual View of Organization Development
      4. Organization Development and Human Resource Management: Similarities and Differences
      5. Present and Future Challenges in Human Resource Management and Organization Development
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
      8. References
    11. Chapter Twenty-Nine: Constructive Use of Power for Organization Development Practitioners
      1. What Is Power and Politics?
      2. Why Power Relates to Organization Development
      3. The Concept of Power Bases and Power Strategies
      4. Power Strategies
      5. How to Increase Power and Influence to Achieve Impact
      6. Summary
      7. Resources
      8. References
    12. Chapter Thirty: Beyond Social Networks: The Über Connection
      1. Segmentary Systems
      2. Summary
      3. Resources
      4. References
  12. Part Five: The Future of Organization Development: Embracing Transformation and New Directions for Change
    1. Chapter Thirty-One: The Dialogic Organization Development Approach to Transformation and Change
      1. Eight Key Premises of Dialogic Organization Development
      2. The Core Processes of Transformational Change in Dialogic Organization Development
      3. What Do Dialogic Organization Development Practitioners Do?
      4. Summary
      5. Resources
      6. References
    2. Chapter Thirty-Two: The Future of Organization Development, Transformation, and Change
      1. The Five Emerging Trends
      2. Summary
      3. Resources
      4. References
    3. Chapter Thirty-Three: Authors' Insights on Important Organization Development Issues
      1. The Relevancy and Future of Organization Development
      2. The Most Important OD Concepts That Should Be Taught to Leaders and Students
      3. The Keys to Successful Organization Development
      4. The Most Important Competencies OD Practitioners Should Have
      5. Favorite Tasks for Generating Important Information
      6. Lessons Learned in Practicing Global Organization Development
      7. The Greatest Challenges OD Practitioners Face
      8. Summary
  13. About the Editors
  14. About the Contributors
    1. Index
  15. End User License Agreement