
Book Description

"‘Philosophy is inescapable’. This is the powerful mantra and call to action of this authoritative and informative collection of essays. Acting upon the conviction that empirical scrutiny only takes us so far in understanding the full nature of entrepreneurship, this text provides a set of thoughtful, and refreshing commentaries on the different ways in which philosophical assumptions shape entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship scholarship will be richer for the reading of it."

Denise Elaine Fletcher, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

"This book offers the reader a variety of philosophical ideas and approaches to spur reflection on taken for granted assumptions about what entrepreneurship is and the ways entrepreneurship scholars understand this phenomenon.  The chapters in this book go beyond critiquing current ideas and perspectives, rather, the book opens up important lines of inquiry in such topic areas as: uncertainty, the imagination, social construction, critical realism, and the nature of failure. I expect that many of the insights from this book will provide directions for major avenues of entrepreneurship scholarship over the next decade. Scholars who want clues about the future direction of the entrepreneurship field would be wise to explore this book."

William B. Gartner, Bertarelli Foundation Distinguished Professor of Family Entrepreneurship, Babson College, USA

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. List of illustrations
  6. 1 Introduction: reflecting on our philosophical journey
  7. 2 Applying philosophy to entrepreneurship and the social sciences
  8. 3 New partial theory in entrepreneurship: explanation, examination, exploitation and exemplification
  9. 4 Social constructionism and entrepreneurial opportunity
  10. 5 Serious realist philosophy and applied entrepreneurship
  11. 6 Critical realism as a supporting philosophy for entrepreneurship and small business studies
  12. 7 The other reading: reflections of postcolonial deconstruction for critical entrepreneurship studies
  13. 8 Cruel optimism: the stories of entrepreneurial attachments
  14. 9 Critiquing and renewing the entrepreneurial imagination
  15. 10 Examining the contributions of social science to entrepreneurship: the cases of cosmopolitanism and orientalism
  16. 11 A unified account of the firm: deontic architecture
  17. 12 Uncertainty under entrepreneurship
  18. Index