
Book Description

Slow loading times break the user experience of any website — no matter how well crafted it might be. In fact, it only takes three seconds until users lose their interest in a site if they don't get a response immediately. If another site happens to be 250ms faster than yours, then users are more inclined to switch to a competitor’s website in no time. Web fonts, heavy JavaScript, third-party widgets — all of them can sum up to become a real performance bottleneck. Nevertheless, tracking that down does not only improve loading times but also results in a much snappier experience and a higher user engagement.

In this eBook, we’ve compiled an entire selection of front-end and server-side techniques that will help you tackle such bottlenecks. Find out how to speed up existing websites, build high-performance sites (for both mobile and desktop), and prepare them for heavy-load situations. Furthermore, you’ll learn more about how performance improvements and a 97–99 Google PageSpeed score were achieved on Smashing Magazine, as well as how optimization strategies can enhance real-life projects by taking a closer look at Pinterest’s paint performance case study. With the help of this eBook, you’ll notice that it’s high time to dig deeper into your own site and examine it closely. Why don’t you polish it up and make it even better than it already is!

Table of Contents

  1. Imprint
  2. Improving Smashing Magazine’s Performance: A Case Study
  3. How To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
  4. You May Be Losing Users If Responsive Web Design Is Your Only Mobile Strategy
  5. How To Make Your Websites Faster On Mobile Devices
  6. Creating High-Performance Mobile Websites
  7. Don’t Get Crushed By The Load: Optimization Techniques And Strategies
  8. Speed Up Your Mobile Website With Varnish
  9. Cache Invalidation Strategies With Varnish Cache
  10. Gone In 60 Frames Per Second: A Pinterest Paint Performance Case Study
  11. About The Authors