
Book Description

Remember when service-oriented architecture (SOA) was all the rage? Companies jumped in before fully understanding SOA’s advantages and disadvantages, and struggled to make this complex architecture work. Today, we’re poised to repeat this same experience with microservices—only this time we’re prepared. With this concise ebook, author Mark Richards walks you through the ten most common microservice anti-patterns and pitfalls, and provides solutions for avoiding them.

What’s the difference between anti-patterns and pitfalls? An anti-pattern seems like a good idea when you begin, but only leads you into trouble, while pitfalls are bad ideas from the start. Learn how to avert the most flagrant anti-patterns and pitfalls before you tussle with microservice granularity, data migration, and distributed processing.

You’ll examine:

  • Data-Driven Migration Anti-Pattern
  • Timeout Anti-Pattern
  • "I Was Taught to Share" Anti-Pattern
  • Reach-in Reporting Anti-Pattern
  • Grains of Sand Pitfall
  • Developer Without a Cause Pitfall
  • Jump On The Bandwagon Pitfall
  • Static Contract Pitfall
  • Are We There Yet Pitfall
  • Give it a Rest Pitfall

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. Conventions Used in This Book
    2. Safari® Books Online
    3. How to Contact Us
    4. Acknowledgments
  2. 1. Data-Driven Migration AntiPattern
    1. Too Many Data Migrations
    2. Functionality First, Data Last
  3. 2. The Timeout AntiPattern
    1. Using Timeout Values
    2. Using the Circuit Breaker Pattern
  4. 3. The “I Was Taught to Share” AntiPattern
    1. Too Many Dependencies
    2. Techniques for Sharing Code
  5. 4. Reach-in Reporting AntiPattern
    1. Issues with Microservices Reporting
    2. Asynchronous Event Pushing
  6. 5. Grains of Sand Pitfall
    1. Analyzing Service Scope and Function
    2. Analyzing Database Transactions
    3. Analyzing Service Choreography
  7. 6. Developer Without a Cause Pitfall
    1. Making the Wrong Decisions
    2. Understanding Business Drivers
  8. 7. Jump on the Bandwagon Pitfall
    1. Advantages and Disadvantages
    2. Matching Business Needs
    3. Other Architecture Patterns
  9. 8. The Static Contract Pitfall
    1. Changing a Contract
    2. Header Versioning
    3. Schema Versioning
  10. 9. Are We There Yet Pitfall
    1. Measuring Latency
    2. Comparing Protocols
  11. 10. Give It a Rest Pitfall
    1. Asynchronous Requests
    2. Broadcast Capabilities
    3. Transacted Requests