
Book Description

This Wrox Blox explains how to create different types of custom modules for ASP.NET web sites. Custom ASP.NET Modules are a great way to program advanced features to your web site. This Wrox blox discusses the difference between a custom httpModule and the Global.asax file. It also covers the steps in the ASP.NET pipeline. The examples include using a custom module to configure a site's initial settings, a background worker thread, and an IP blocker. Other examples show how to add content to the content being sent to the client, URL Rewriting, and a custom error handler.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Leveraging httpModules for Better ASP.NET Applications
    1. Introduction to httpModules
    2. Use a Custom Module to Configure the Site
    3. Creating a Background Thread Process
    4. Modify Rendered Content
    5. Optimizing the Response Output
    6. Create an IP Filter
    7. Rewrite a Request
    8. A Custom Error Handler
    9. Custom Modules in IIS 7
    10. Summary
    11. About Chris Love
  4. Copyright
  5. Advertisement