
Book Description

When deploying machine learning applications, building models is only a small part of the story. The entire process involves developing, orchestrating, deploying, and running scalable and portable machine learning workloads—a process Kubeflow makes much easier. With this practical guide, data scientists, data engineers, and platform architects will learn how to plan and execute a Kubeflow project that can support workflows from on-premises to the cloud.

Kubeflow is an open source Kubernetes-native platform based on Google’s internal machine learning pipelines, and yet major cloud vendors including AWS and Azure advocate the use of Kubernetes and Kubeflow to manage containers and machine learning infrastructure. In today’s cloud-based world, this book is ideal for any team planning to build machine learning applications.

With this book, you will:

  • Get a concise overview of Kubernetes and Kubeflow
  • Learn how to plan and build a Kubeflow installation
  • Operate, monitor, and automate your installation
  • Provide your Kubeflow installation with adequate security
  • Serve machine learning models on Kubeflow

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction to Kubeflow
    1. Machine Learning on Kubernetes
      1. The Evolution of Machine Learning in the Enterprise
      2. It’s Harder Than Ever to Run Enterprise Infrastructure
      3. Identifying Next Generation Infrastructure Core Principles
      4. Enter: Kubeflow
      5. Origin of Kubeflow
      6. Who Uses Kubeflow?
    2. Common Kubeflow Use Cases
      1. Running Notebooks on GPUs
      2. Shared Multi-Tennant Machine Learning Environment
      3. Example: Building a Transfer Learning Pipeline
      4. Deploying Models to Production for Application Integration
    3. Components of Kubeflow
      1. Jupyter Notebooks
      2. Machine Learning Model Training Components
      3. Hyperparameter Tuning
      4. Pipelines
      5. Machine Learning Model Inference Serving
    4. An Overview of Kubernetes
      1. Core Kubenetes Concepts
    5. Summary
  2. 2. Planning a Kubeflow Installation
    1. Users
      1. Profiling Users
      2. Varying Skillsets
    2. Kubeflow Components
      1. Components that Extend the Kubernetes API
      2. Components running atop of Kubernetes
    3. Workloads
      1. Cluster Utilization
      2. Data Patterns
    4. GPU Planning
      1. Planning for GPUs
      2. Models that Benefit from GPUs
    5. Infrastructure Planning
      1. Kubernetes Considerations
      2. On-Premise
      3. Cloud
      4. Placement
    6. Container Management
    7. Security
      1. Background & Motivation
      2. Control Plane
      3. Kubeflow and Deployed Applications
      4. Multitenancy & Isolation
      5. Integration
    8. Sizing & Growing
      1. Forecasting
      2. Storage
      3. Scaling
  3. 3. Running Kubeflow on Google Cloud
    1. Installing on a Public Cloud
      1. Managed Kubernetes in the Cloud
    2. Overview of the Google Cloud Platform
      1. Storage
      2. Google Cloud Security and the Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy
      3. GCP Projects for Application Deployments
      4. GCP Service Accounts
      5. Google Compute Engine
      6. Managed Kubernetes on GKE
      7. Signing Up for Google Cloud Platform
    3. Installing the Google Cloud SDK
      1. Update Python
      2. Download and Install Google Cloud SDK
    4. Installing Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform
      1. Create a Project in the GCP Console
      2. Enabling APIs for a Project
      3. Set up OAuth for GCP Cloud IAP
      4. Deploy Kubeflow Using the Command-Line Interface
      5. Accessing the Kubeflow UI Post-Installation
      6. Understanding How the Deployment Process Works
      7. Understanding What Was Deployed on GCP
    5. Creating Managed Kubernetes Clusters on GKE
    6. Common Operations for Google Cloud and GKE
      1. Resizing a Cluster
      2. Deleting a Cluster