
Book Description

Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL provides a layperson's guide to web programming for the casual web designer, student, or serious professional. The book explains how to build powerful interactive sites, whether you're designing a bulletin board, game, or web store. As part of the Just Enough series, the book provides "just enough" information to get you started quickly, without overloading you with unnecessary details. After a brief introduction, the book concisely explains the XML, XHTML, and CSS concepts you need to understand to start creating web sites. From there, you'll start programming and learning the basics of client side and server side scripting and web databases. Then it's time to put it all together using Content Management Systems. The book includes several chapters on emerging Web 2.0 and how you can put it to use to create your own interactive sites quickly. Part of the beauty of Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL is its breadth of coverage. By cutting out what you don't need, the book helps you learn a lot about web programming, and helps you put all of the information together to make a site quickly. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Book Description

Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL provides a layperson's guide to web programming for the casual web designer, student, or serious professional. The book explains how to build powerful interactive sites, whether you're designing a bulletin board, game, or web store. As part of the Just Enough series, the book provides "just enough" information to get you started quickly, without overloading you with unnecessary details. After a brief introduction, the book concisely explains the XML, XHTML, and CSS concepts you need to understand to start creating web sites. From there, you'll start programming and learning the basics of client side and server side scripting and web databases. Then it's time to put it all together using Content Management Systems. The book includes several chapters on emerging Web 2.0 and how you can put it to use to create your own interactive sites quickly. Part of the beauty of Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL is its breadth of coverage. By cutting out what you don't need, the book helps you learn a lot about web programming, and helps you put all of the information together to make a site quickly. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. About the Author
  4. Introduction
  5. 1. Getting Started
    1. Conventions Used in This Book
    2. How to Use This Book
      1. Study Areas
        1. Client Side Web Programming
          1. Internet Recap
          2. HTML, XML, and XHTML
          3. CSS and Styles
          4. Client Side Scripting
        2. Server Side Web Programming
          1. Server Side Programming
          2. Web Databases
        3. Applied Topics
          1. Content Management Systems
          2. Web 2.0 Features
          3. Setting Up with Open Source
      2. Reference
    3. Choosing the Right Tools
      1. Client Tools
        1. Editor
        2. Upload
        3. Browser
      2. Server Tools
        1. Database
    4. Using Open Source Resources
    5. Recap
  6. 2. Internet Recap
    1. The Internet
    2. The World Wide Web
      1. Servers and Protocols
      2. Search Engines
      3. Internet Service Providers
      4. Web Hosting
      5. Advertising
    3. Client/Server Programming
    4. Presentation Layer
      1. Introduction to HTML
      2. Introduction to Style Sheets
    5. Data Exchange
      1. Form Processing
      2. Introduction to XML
    6. Client Side Scripting
    7. Server Side Programming
    8. Recap
  7. 3. HTML, XML, and XHTML
    1. The Document Model
      1. Anatomy of the Document
        1. The HTML HEAD Tag
        2. The HTML BODY Tag
      2. Style Elements
      3. Hyperlinking
        1. URLs
      4. Interactivity
    2. HTML Short Reference
      1. Deprecated Usage
      2. Syntax
        1. Tags and Attributes
        2. Minimized Tags
        3. Nesting and Overlapping
      3. Text Formatting
      4. Flow Formatting
      5. Images
      6. Document Linking
      7. Forms
      8. Common Symbol Codes
    3. XML and XHTML
    4. Recap
  8. 4. CSS and Styles
    1. The Document Model, Revisited
      1. Tags and Styles
      2. Derived Objects
      3. The <div> and <span> Tags
    2. Setting Up Style Sheets
      1. Inline Styles
      2. Internal Style Sheets
      3. External Style Sheets
    3. Properties
      1. Positioning Properties
        1. Positioning
        2. Margins
        3. Padding
        4. Borders
      2. Pseudo-Classes
        1. Link Pseudo-Classes
        2. Dynamic Pseudo-Classes
        3. Pseudo-Elements
    4. CSS Objects and Properties Short Reference
      1. Background
      2. Borders, Margins, and Padding
      3. Text and Fonts
      4. Lists
    5. Recap
  9. 5. Client Side Scripting
    1. Introduction to Client Side Scripts
      1. Inline Scripts
      2. External Scripts
      3. Mixing Scripted Approaches
    2. Introduction to JavaScript
      1. Using JavaScript in HTML Pages
        1. Inline
        2. External
        3. The <noscript> Tag
        4. Things to Remember
      2. Variables and Types
        1. Arrays
        2. Operators
          1. Assignment
          2. Comparison
          3. Mathematical, Logical, and String Operators
          4. Other
        3. Expressions
      3. Functions
        1. Calling Functions
        2. Built-In Functions
        3. User-Defined Functions
        4. Using Variable Arguments
      4. Strings and String Processing
      5. Conditional Processing and Repetition
        1. Decision Making
        2. Loops
          1. The break and continue Keywords
    3. The JavaScript Web Function Library
      1. HTML JavaScript Interfaces
        1. Events
          1. onAbort
          2. onBlur
          3. onChange
          4. onClick
          5. onDblClick
          6. onFocus
          7. onKeyDown, onKeyPress, and onKeyUp
          8. onLoad and onUnload
          9. onMouseDown and onMouseUp
          10. onMouseMove
          11. onMouseOut and onMouseOver
          12. onReset and onSubmit
          13. onSelect
        2. Objects
        3. The document Object
          1. The window Object
        4. Programmatic HTML Generation
      2. Useful Top-Level Methods and Properties
        1. Message Boxes
        2. Interval Processing
        3. Location, Status, and History
        4. Accessing Cookies
        5. Query Strings
    4. JavaScript Core Short Reference
      1. Core JavaScript Objects
        1. Number
        2. String
        3. Array
        4. Date
        5. Math
      2. Core Language
        1. Conditional Statements
        2. Loops
        3. Functions
    5. JavaScript Examples
      1. Image Preloading
      2. Form Validation
      3. User-Defined Message Boxes
    6. Recap
  10. 6. Server Side Scripting
    1. PHP Programming
      1. Inline PHP
      2. External PHP
      3. General Concepts
        1. Types and Variables
          1. boolean
          2. integer
          3. float (also called a double)
          4. string
          5. array
          6. object
          7. Predefined Variables
          8. User-Defined Variables
          9. Constants
        2. Classes
        3. Operators
          1. Comparison
          2. Mathematical and Logical
          3. String and Array
      4. Flow Control
        1. Decision Making
        2. Looping
        3. Functions
    2. PHP Short Function Reference
      1. Common Modules and Functions
        1. Core Libraries
        2. Compiled-In Extensions
      2. Function Reference
        1. Core Functions
          1. eval
          2. die
          3. unset
          4. getdate
          5. function_exists
          6. func_num_args
          7. func_get_arg
          8. func_get_args
        2. Math Functions
          1. pi
          2. cos, sin, and tan
        3. Variables and Classes
        4. Strings
          1. Trimming and Padding
          2. Comparison and Searching
          3. HTML-Related Operations
          4. Miscellaneous Operations
        5. Arrays
        6. Web- and Browser-Related Functions
          1. SimpleXML
          2. DOMDocument
          3. Email
        7. MySQL Functions
    3. PHP Examples
      1. Form and Cookie Processing
      2. Database Connectivity
    4. Recap
  11. 7. Web Databases
    1. Databases for Non-Programmers
      1. Database Design
        1. Understanding Attributes and Relationships
        2. Database Design Guidelines
        3. Normalization
        4. Creating the Design
      2. Using MySQL
        1. Local Login/MySQL Client
        2. phpMyAdmin
      3. Alternative Database Packages
        1. PostgreSQL
        2. Oracle
        3. IBM DB2
        4. SQL Server
      4. The SQL Language
        1. Theory of Operation
        2. Attributes and Data Types
        3. Extracting Data
        4. Deriving Data
          1. Subqueries
          2. Logical WHERE Statements
          3. PHP and MySQL
        5. Inserting, Modifying, and Deleting Data
        6. ROLLBACK and COMMIT
        7. Creating and Altering Tables
        8. User Management
    2. Databases for Websites
      1. Typical Database Setup
      2. Database Tools: Using phpMyAdmin
      3. Creating a Table
        1. Inserting Data
        2. Browsing Your Database
        3. Exporting/Importing Data
        4. Operations
      4. Indexing, Backing Up, and Maintenance Issues
        1. Backing Up
        2. Rebuilding Indexes
      5. Connecting to Databases with PHP
        1. Making the Connection
        2. Querying for Data
        3. Moving Through Records
        4. Inserting and Updating Data
    3. Recap
  12. 8. Content Management Systems
    1. Introduction to CMS
      1. Content Delivery
      2. Content Creation and Editing
      3. Feedback and Visitor Interaction
    2. CMS Systems
      1. CMS Management
      2. Bulletin Boards (Forums)
        1. phpBB
      3. Weblogs
        1. Blogger
          1. Publishing
          2. Retrieving Content
        2. WordPress
          1. Publishing
          2. Retrieving Content
          3. Development API
          4. A Note on WordPress Plug-Ins
      4. Open Source Content Management Systems
        1. General Structure
        2. Layout and Editing
        3. CMS Management
      5. Roll Your Own CMS
        1. JavaScript CMS
        2. PHP CMS
        3. PHP and MySQL CMS
    3. Recap
  13. 9. Web 2.0 Features
    1. What Is Web 2.0?
      1. AJAX
        1. The Role of Xml in AJAX
        2. Creating the xmlHttp Objec
        3. xmlHttp State Changes
        4. Sending the Request
        5. Processing a Text Response
        6. Processing an XML Response
        7. AJAX with PHP
        8. AJAX with CSS
        9. AJAX with Databases
      2. RSS
        1. AJAX with RSS
        2. Yahoo! Pipes
      3. Social Networking
    2. Integration with Web Services
      1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      2. eBay
      3. Google
    3. Recap
  14. 10. Setting Up With Open Source
    1. What Do You Need?
      1. What Do You Want to Do?
      2. Choosing a Web Host
      3. Installing the Site
        1. Using cPanel
        2. Using Fantastico
        3. Gluing It All Together
    2. Examples
      1. Static Site
      2. Adding a Bulletin Board
      3. Basic Content Management System
        1. Online Brochure
    3. Recap
  15. 11. Web References
    1. Authoring Standards
      1. HTML Standards
        1. HTML 5.0
        2. HTML 4.01
      2. XML Standards
      3. XHTML Standards
    2. Programming Documentation
      1. JavaScript and ECMAScript
      2. PHP Documentation
      3. MySQL Reference
    3. Open Source References
      1. Licensing
      2. Software Repositories
        1. SourceForge.net (also www.sf.net)
        2. PEAR and PECL
        3. General Repositories