
Book Description

The number of online solutions provided for JavaScript is growing every day. However, the workflow of Web developers and designers frequently culminates to confusion and disorientation due the information overflow. In order to organize this information and provide you with helpful guidelines to successfully optimize your next Web project, we offer you this Smashing eBook #13 JavaScript Essentials. Filled with up-to-date lessons on coding reviews, JavaScript scopes and implementations, AJAX and various tips on JavaScript solutions, this eBook is essential for improving your JavaScript knowledge.

Table of Contents

  1. Imprint
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career
  4. Lessons From A Review Of JavaScript Code
  5. Find The Right JavaScript Solution With A 7-Step Test
  6. Ten Oddities And Secrets About JavaScript
  7. The Seven Deadly Sins Of JavaScript Implementation
  8. A Quick Look Into The Math Of Animations With JavaScript
  9. Searchable Dynamic Content With AJAX Crawling
  10. Authors