
Book Description

Whether you're a new brewer or an old hand looking to finetune your favorite recipe, The Homebrewer's Problem Solver provides the information you need to nip problems in the bud.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. 1. I don’t know how to start home brewing
    2. 2. I’m not sure if I have the right equipment
    3. 3. I’m not sure which ingredients to buy
    4. 4. I don’t know how to build my own recipe
    5. 5. I can’t tell if my fermentation is complete
    6. 6. I don’t know how much alcohol is in my beer
    7. 7. I need to take a sample out of my fermenter
    8. 8. I’m unsure how to clean my equipment
    9. 9. Should I clean or sanitize my equipment?
    1. 10. My hops smell like cheese or feet
    2. 11. My malt extract has solidified
    3. 12. My malt extract is moldy
    4. 13. My grain has bugs in it
    5. 14. My grain is moldy
    6. 15. My grain won’t crush well
    7. 16. I crushed my grain too finely
    8. 17. My water smells funny or is discolored
    9. 18. My water is chlorinated
    10. 19. The expiration date on my yeast has passed
    11. 20. I don’t know how to make a yeast starter
    12. 21. I’m not sure how much yeast to put into my wort
    1. 22. The alpha-acid content in my hops is different
    2. 23. I forgot to add my extract/all of my extract
    3. 24. I’m not sure how to use grain in my extract brew
    4. 25. How much water do I use in my all-grain mash?
    5. 26. I can’t get a filter bed to form in the mash
    6. 27. The grain bed collapsed during lauter
    7. 28. My infusion mash won’t reach target temperature
    8. 29. My mash won’t hold temperature
    9. 30. My mash bed keeps running dry
    10. 31. I don’t know when to stop lauter
    11. 32. My mash temperature was way too cold
    12. 33. My mash temperature was way too hot
    13. 34. What do I do with my spent grain?
    1. 35. My boil has long stringy debris in it
    2. 36. My boil ended prematurely
    3. 37. I don’t have enough wort
    4. 38. I have way too much wort
    5. 39. After boil my beer won’t cool down fast enough
    6. 40. I keep having boil-overs
    7. 41. I forgot to add my hops
    8. 42. I added more hops than I was supposed to
    1. 43. Fermentation hasn’t started
    2. 44. Fermentation ended earlier than expected
    3. 45. Fermentation ended quickly
    4. 46. Fermentation seems to last forever
    5. 47. My fermentation smells funny
    6. 48. My fermentation has a slimy white film on top
    7. 49. I’m not sure how to do lager fermentation
    8. 50. The liquid from the airlock got into my wort
    9. 51. Fermentation overflowed my fermenter
    10. 52. I’m not sure when/how to dry hop
    11. 53. I didn’t transfer beer out of primary fermentation
    12. 54. I added fruit and it looks/smells really gross
    13. 55. I need to measure alcohol after adding fruit
    1. 56. My beer gradually becomes sour in bottles
    2. 57. My bottled beer is all flat
    3. 58. My bottle has a chip in the rim
    4. 59. My bottle caps are rusty
    5. 60. There is a lot of yeast in the bottom of my bottles
    6. 61. My bottles have ropy filaments in them
    7. 62. There’s a ring around the beer line in my bottle
    8. 63. My bottled beer has too much carbonation
    9. 64. I can’t get my kegged beer to carbonate
    10. 65. I need to force-carbonate my keg really quickly
    11. 66. My Cornelius keg won’t seal properly/is leaking
    12. 67. My kegged beer becomes over-carbonated/flat
    13. 68. My kegged beer tastes like rancid butter
    14. 69. I don’t know how to bottle beer from a keg
    1. 70. I don’t have a big enough pot to brew with
    2. 71. I can’t get a siphon started
    3. 72. My hoses get foggy after sanitizing
    4. 73. My mash efficiency is low
    5. 74. My boil kettle has brown or white buildup in it
    6. 75. The flow through my plate chiller is too slow
    7. 76. I don’t know how to sanitize my plate chiller
    8. 77. I’m not sure how much liquid is in my kettle
    9. 78. I’m not sure if my mash tun is big enough
    10. 79. I don’t have a way to oxygenate my wort
    11. 80. My CO2 cylinder empties too quickly
    12. 81. My airlock blew off of my fermentation vessel
    1. 82. My beer smells/tastes like butter/butterscotch
    2. 83. My beer smells/tastes like cabbage
    3. 84. My beer smells/tastes lightstruck/skunky
    4. 85. My beer smells or tastes like sewer or vomit
    5. 86. My beer smells/tastes metallic
    6. 87. My beer smells/tastes boozy
    7. 88. My beer smells/tastes like vinegar
    8. 89. My beer smells/tastes like soy sauce
    9. 90. My beer smells/tastes like sulfur
    10. 91. My beer smells/tastes like wet newspaper/cardboard.
    11. 92. My beer tastes burned
    12. 93. My hoppy beer is too bitter and lacks flavor
    13. 94. My beer is hazy when cold
    14. 95. My dark beer tastes ashy.
    15. 96. My beer is more/less bitter than I expected
    16. 97. My beer is too sweet/tastes like wort
    17. 98. My beer doesn’t have good head retention
    18. 99. The body of my beer is too thin
    19. 100. I’d like impartial feedback about my beer
  10. Glossary
  11. A–Z of beer varieties
  12. Index
  13. Further Resources
  14. Image Credits