
Book Description

Focusing on a new movement in alternative investing, this book provides insight into this exciting portfolio strategy.  The author demystifies and uncovers the alternative asset class; educates and entertains everyday investors with colorful analogies and easy-to-understand methodologies; identifies useful portfolio strategies, tools and techniques in alternative investing. Following the worst global financial crisis, volatility and a low interest rate environment remain major concerns for investors. Clifford Jack combines the art of analogy and the science of methodology to help investors seek out ideas on building a portfolio.  He digs deep to uncover and help simplify the alternative asset class.  This timely and insightful read will help everyday investors gain insight into alternative investing.  

Table of Contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents at a Glance
  5. Contents
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. About the Author
  8. Foreword
  9. One. What Goes Up...
  10. Two. The Modern Portfolio Problem
    1. The Long and Winding Road: Preparing for the Ride
    2. Employers Stall Out: Finding a New Map to Your Financial Future
    3. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Two
  11. Three. A Volatile Reality
    1. Motion Sickness: Markets Are Increasingly Cyclical
    2. Investor Shock: When Fear Leads to Missed Opportunities
    3. New Prescription: Rethink Buy-and-Hold
    4. Is It Time to See a Specialist? The Role of Proper Diversification
    5. Radical Idea: Do Something Different
    6. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Three
  12. Four. It’s a Smaller World After All
    1. Booster Shot: Globalization Begins
    2. Immune System Breakdown: Volatility Reaches Fever Pitch
    3. Modern Medicine: Combating Home Country Bias
    4. Second Opinion: The Best Advisors Seek the Counsel of Their Peers
    5. Fatal Mistake: Do Nothing
    6. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Four
  13. Five. Disappearing Diversification
    1. Sugary Sweet: Learning Self-Control
    2. Similar Taste: The Rise of Correlation
    3. Proper Diversification: A Well-Balanced Diet
    4. Thirst for Diversification: Develop an All-Weather Strategy
    5. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Five
  14. Six. Exploring the Alternative Universe
    1. Flight Plan: Collaborate to Win
    2. Down to Earth: What It Means for the Average Investor
    3. Alternative Investments: No Longer So Alien
    4. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Six
  15. Seven. Play the Percentages
    1. Risk Mitigation: Eye on the Ball
    2. Loss Aversion: Play It Safe
    3. Hall of Fame: Unparalleled Returns
    4. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Seven
  16. Eight. Beta Blockers
    1. The Prescription: Bringing Balance
    2. Better Beta: Reduce Stress
    3. Clinical Trial: Safe for Public Use?
    4. Risk Parity
    5. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Eight
  17. Nine. Think Outside the Style Box™
    1. Boxing Out: A Defensive Strategy
    2. Xs and Os: Running a New Play
    3. Driving the Lane: The Importance of (Timely and Consistent) Yield
    4. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Nine
  18. Ten. The Scouting Report
    1. Due Diligence: A Fundamental Layup
    2. Size and Reach: Is Bigger Better?
    3. Team Performance: Stars vs. Cellars
    4. Preparation: The REIT Way to Do It
    5. Expensive Egos: Managing the Managers
    6. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Ten
  19. Eleven. Survival of the Fittest
    1. Hedge Funds: Asset Hunters and Gatherers and More
    2. Alternative Investments: Global Migration Patterns
    3. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Eleven
  20. Twelve. Fast and Furious
    1. Post-Modern Portfolios: Revving the Engine
    2. Getting Tactical: Rotate the Tires
    3. Alternative Investments: Riding an Annuity Chassis
    4. Portfolio Optimization: Balancing Risk and Return
    5. Portfolio Overlay: Understanding the Diagnostics
    6. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Twelve
  21. Thirteen. How Leverage Works
    1. The Mortgage Industry: Strawberry Fields Forever
    2. 130/30 Funds: Short But Growing Longer
    3. Leverage: Note the Danger and Look Down
    4. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Thirteen
  22. Fourteen. Over the Hedge
    1. Hedge Funds
    2. Partnerships
    3. Liquidity and Alternatives
    4. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Fourteen
  23. Fifteen. Strategy and Execution
    1. Relative Value
    2. Event-Driven
    3. Equity L/S
    4. Global Macro
    5. Multi-Strategy
    6. From the Alt Vault: Valuable Takeaways from Chapter Fifteen
  24. Sixteen. Completing the Picture
    1. So What Now?
    2. 10 Important Points to Remember
  25. Glossary
  26. Index