
Book Description

How can the power of play inspire your teams and help you achieve creative and powerful business solutions in a rapidly changing world? In this report, you’ll explore Lego Serious Play, a proven tool for boosting both individual and team productivity. It may sound frivolous, but playing with Lego bricks is an incredibly fun, creative, and valuable way to develop a collective plan of action—whether it’s for problem solving, strategy development, ideation, relationship building, or goal-setting.

Through several examples, authors Donna Denio and Dieter Reuther explain how Lego Serious Play can expand your leadership ability and deliver predictable and consistently productive results. This leadership model teaches, inspires, and promotes full participation of team members—including people who seldom speak up. Companies such as Google, Daimler Chrysler, NASA, Tupperware, and Microsoft have all used this method.

Pick up a copy of this report, and discover how Lego Serious Play can help you and your team step off the treadmill and look at the big picture, together.

Table of Contents

  1. Build to Lead: How Lego Bricks Can Make You a Better Leader
    1. Harnessing the Power of Play at Work
    2. How Lego Bricks Apply to the Future of Work
      1. Changing Societal Structures
      2. Evolving Office Spaces
      3. Challenge of Having Four or Five Generations in the Same Workplace
      4. Collaboration in Today’s Business Environment Is Key, Even for Introverts
      5. Getting Past the Meeting Conundrum
    3. The Emergence of a New Leadership Model
    4. Exploring the Magic of Lego Serious Play
      1. Understanding Constructivism, Constructionism, and Concrete Thinking
      2. Building Interconnections and Relationships
      3. Working with Your Hands and Brain
      4. Using Lego Bricks to Explore Imagination, Storytelling, and Metaphors
      5. Improving Meeting Participation
      6. Building Trust and Focus
      7. Harnessing Collective Intelligence
    5. Understanding the Lego Serious Play Process
    6. Conclusions