
Book Description

This short cut is taken from Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language (Addison-Wesley, 2009) and provides self-containedcoverage of Python’s advanced features. Most of the techniques covered arenot needed every day, but in the right circumstances they can make a crucialdifference, allowing us to write clean and straightforward code rather thanhaving to resort to hacks and workarounds to achieve what we need. The shortcut explains a range of procedural, object-oriented, and functional-style techniques,and the information provided will be a considerable addition to mostPython programmers’ toolboxes.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Section 1. What This Short Cut Covers
  5. Section 2. Branching Using Dictionaries
  6. Section 3. Generator Expressions and Functions
  7. Section 4. Dynamic Code Execution
  8. Section 5. Local and Recursive Functions
  9. Section 6. Function and Method Decorators
  10. Section 7. Function Annotations
  11. Section 8. Controlling Attribute Access
  12. Section 9. Functors
  13. Section 10. Context Managers
  14. Section 11. Descriptors
  15. Section 12. Class Decorators
  16. Section 13. Abstract Base Classes
  17. Section 14. Multiple Inheritance
  18. Section 15. Metaclasses
  19. Section 16. Functional-Style Programming
  20. Section 17. Descriptors with Class Decorators
  21. Section 18. About the Author