
Book Description

Taking the step from being a member of a digital team to becoming a leader can be quite overwhelming. Having proven that you excel in the technical aspects of your job is most probably beyond question, but a leadership position will naturally confront you with entirely new challenges which also call for new skills. After all, a team is as good as its leader, right?

To help you overcome the initial insecurities that such a big responsibility brings along, we have compiled only the most valuable advice from fellow industry leaders in this eBook. It is a trusty companion, no matter if you are about to build a team from scratch or have been promoted to leading an existing team of web designers and developers. Whether you’re struggling with hiring good employees, leading new web professionals, making side projects work as intended, or organizing internal training sessions, this eBook is sure to share with you all the practical knowledge and fresh ideas you need in order to improve your leadership skills and foster a passionate and agile team.

Table of Contents

  1. Imprint
  2. Assuming Leadership In Your Design Agency
  3. Lessons Learned From Leading New Web Professionals
  4. How And Why To Make Side Projects Work At A Digital Agency
  5. Internal Developer Training: Doing It Right
  6. How To Build An Agile UX Team: The Culture
  7. How To Build An Agile UX Team: Hiring
  8. How To Build An Agile UX Team: Integration
  9. How To Recruit A UX Designer
  10. About The Authors